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Dany Boon and Laurence Arné cash on their arguments as a couple (VIDEO)

Passing through the show What an era! on France 2 this Saturday, June 15, Dany Boon and his partner Laurence Arné confided, without filter, about their disputes within their relationship.

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Almost 58 years old, Dany Boon has known several women in his life including Sophie Hermelin, Judith Godrèche and Yael Harris. He also had the chance to become a father five times. Mehdi was born in 1997, Noé in 1999, Eytan in 2005, Élia in 2006 and Sarah in 2010. Although he is separated and divorced from the mothers of his children, he is today a happy man and in love with Laurence Arné. Since 2018, he has been in a relationship with the actress notably seen in La Ch’tite Famille, Daddy Cool And Cheap!. This Saturday, June 15, she was invited to the set of What an era! to talk about his latest project, the production of a comedy called The Hennedricks Family. A film in which she also plays, alongside her companion, also present on the France 2 set.

Dany Boon and Laurence Arné cash on their relationship: “We’re frying”

Faced with Léa Salamé, Dany Boon and Laurence Arné did not hesitate to make revelations about their beautiful blended family, and in particular about the fact that two of their children lived in a long relationship for two years. Then, without filter, the couple opened up about their love story which has its ups and downs, like everyone else. “We are very cash”, admits the actress. A character trait that makes their relationship strong, even if sometimes the situation is more complicated. “Sometimes, let’s fry a little and it’s good“, specifies the star of Welcome to the Ch’tis. Especially since they happen to work together, as for this film which will be released in cinemas on June 26: “On the set, it was great, but she was tough, she’s super demanding.”

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Laurence Arné makes a statement to his companion: “It has a lunar side and a kind of letting go which is very pleasant on a daily basis.”

Fortunately, everything is fine between them, six years after the start of their story. This is why she did not hesitate to have tender words towards him: “I wanted to film it with my lover’s gaze because Dany is very flexible, has real sensitivity and fragility. It has a lunar side and a kind of letting go which is very pleasant on a daily basis. I wanted to show him as a father who bangs his fist on the table, when necessary, to refocus the children“. A beautiful statement!


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