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At 71 years old, Arielle Dombasle gives her honest opinion on Brigitte Bardot: “She…

France TV (DR) / WikiMedia Commons (DR)

By Elsa Girard-Basset | Web journalist

A true essential icon in the 1950s and 1960s, Brigitte Bardot lives today far from the hustle and bustle of the media. Worse, criticisms against him have accumulated, particularly with regard to some of his divisive positions, or his political commitment. It is in this context that Arielle Dombasle, who worked with her, gave her sincere opinion of her.

Younger generations don’t necessarily realize it, but in many ways, Brigitte Bardot was the first true French icon internationally after the Second World War. Propelled to the forefront in the mid-1950s, the native of the 15th arrondissement of Paris quickly became a sensation, turning heads and sweeping away everything in her path.

After saying goodbye to the cinema in full glory, at less than 40 years old, she lived a second part of life that was calmer, and marked by positions sometimes at odds with showbiz. She is known, for example, as a fan of Marine Le Pen and the National Rally, as well as opposed to Muslims due, in particular, to animal sacrifices as part of religious rites.

Arielle Dombasle comes to the aid of Brigitte Bardot

For all these reasons, Serge Gainsbourg’s former muse has become something of a pariah over the years. But is this fully justified? In any case, this is not Arielle Dombasle’s opinion. Passing on the set of “Télématin”, the one who shares the life of Bernard-Henri Lévy wanted to provide her support to “BB”:

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I find that we are very cruel to this actress, we criticize her a lot. People criticize the fact that she is getting older. We don’t pay her enough tribute, she was our first environmental activist.

A reviewer of the show was quick to point out the actress’ “retrograde ideas, not necessarily oriented towards others”. Nothing to dismay Arielle Dombasle, who persisted:

It’s a bit of everything, but I find that we are particularly fierce with her. And then me, for whom animal activism has always been one of my battles… So, she has done so much for animal suffering, there you go, she really moved things forward.

It is true that we can recognize Brigitte Bardot’s unfailing commitment to animals, she who also called to vote not for the RN but for the animalist party during the recent European elections. This subject constitutes the main cause of the life of the ex-actress, who has already made it known that she will fight until her last day to change things.

It is therefore this mixture of pro-animal commitment, and probably a touch of admiration emanating from her youth, which pushes Arielle Dombasle not to throw Brigitte Bardot out to pasture, but on the contrary to support her. Quite rare remarks in the current media landscape, and which will surely warm the heart of the main interested party.

Marginalized from public life, both by wish and by some of her positions, Brigitte Bardot nevertheless retains the esteem of a few personalities. And if the latter are rare to make it known publicly, Arielle Dombasle made it clear that she did not wish to shoot at the ambulance. A classy gesture on his part.


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