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Kate Winslet not thrilled with her kisses with Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic: “I looked like I had sucked a candy bar”

For Vanity Fair, Kate Winslet agreed to rewatch some of his most memorable movie scenes. And the first one he was asked to comment on was one of Titanic. Obviously. The one where Rose and Jack, their characters, kiss on the bow of the liner. Obviously. A dream ? At all. For her, the shoot was simply “a nightmare”.

Twenty-seven years after the release of James Cameron’s film, she remembers how hard it was for her to breathe in that “cursed corset”. She explains that Leonardo kept to laugh or that his knee kept hitting the railing of the ship. Kate also tells us a very good one: in her neckline were hidden the “makeup, brushes, sponges”. The reason ? The make-up team was downstairs, they were upstairs. Between two takes, it was she who did their retouching. But that’s not all.

Kissing Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic? A “disaster”, according to Kate Winslet

Seeing Leo again, she can’t help but blurt out: “My God, he’s a real romantic, isn’t he? No wonder every girl in the world wanted to kiss Leonardo DiCaprio.”, she laughs. Before adding: “But it wasn’t what you think.”. Kate clarifies what she means by this: “We were kissing, and I had a lot of pale makeup on. I had to check our makeup — for both of us, between takes — and I ended up looking like I had sucked on a caramel candy bar after each intake because her makeup was transferring to me, she reveals. And he just looked like he had a piece missing from his face, because there was this big pale spot caused by all my makeup transferring onto him. It was a real disaster.” confides the actress.

But rest assured, she is very proud of Titanic. Although she’s a little fed up with one thing: Kate Winslet can’t board a boat without being asked to replay the scene in which she says “I’m stealing Jack, I’m stealing!”. “It hurts my head“, she said, adding that she was asked “every time, without fail”. And she does it? “Sometimes yes, sometimes no”admits the actress with a grin.


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