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Anthony Colette talks about his collaboration with his former partner Elsa Esnoult

Here is a man who can do everything! If we know him mainly for his participation in Dance with the stars, of which he won season 13 with Natasha St-Pier, the young man is also an actor. We saw him in particular alongside Jean-Luc Reichmann in Léo Mattéï, minors’ brigade and in Tomorrow belongs to us in the role of Hadrian. He also played his own role in The mysteries of love where he played alongside, among others, Elsa Esnoult. It must be said that these two know each other well, since Anthony Colette was his partner during season 10 of Dance with the stars. And since then, they have always stayed in touch, as Anthony Colette told us in an exclusive interview with Tele-Leisure for the release of his second album, UnrealJune 21, 2024.

Télé-Loisirs: Why did you title your album Unreal ?

Anthony Colette: For two reasons. First of all, it’s a nod to my first album which was called They. To tell the truth, I thought I would only make one album in my life and finally, as it did well and we were happy, we decided to release more. It was so crazy to say that we were going to continue that, for me, it was unreal. And There you go ! I just made a parallel, I thought it was funny and I didn’t mind that much. Plus, since I talk a lot about love and women, it all fit!

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Why love?

Because it’s quite universal, it speaks to everyone at some point in their life. It’s almost easy. These are the first words that come to me, telling about a relationship whether it is loving, toxic, sometimes a little weird. And then, I do it according to the melody and the music. Do the words I want to use go with the music I am composing?

Anthony Colette: “I have a little trouble opening up when I have to write because there is an intimate side that I don’t share too much and that I keep to myself”

You are the author of your texts. Do you draw inspiration from your personal experience?

Yes and no ! A little from my personal experience, but mainly from the life experiences of the people around me. I was nourished by what I saw and heard, by what I was able to discover with friends, by the stories they told me, but not necessarily by things that I was able to experience personally. I perhaps have a little more difficulty opening up when I have to write, because there is an intimate side that I don’t share too much and that I keep to myself, even on social networks. In fact, I put myself in a role, like when I dance. When I do a choreography, I imagine a scenario that I have to play with a character, otherwise I wouldn’t do it in the same way. It’s a bit the same for the song. Then the music inspires me with a story and I go with that.

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One of the songs on the album is in Spanish. For what ?

I wanted to make a song with the rhythm of the rumba, the dance of love. However, rumba has a particular rhythm and when I started singing words in French, it didn’t work. I did not like. And since when I dance, the songs are sometimes in English, but a lot in Spanish, I said to myself that I would try in that language. It was, however, the same text but, to the ear, the sound of the Spanish language matched the music. It was day and night.

You collaborated with Elsa Esnoult on two songs. For what ?

She is part of the team that produces me. In addition, she was my partner in Dance with the stars and we have always stayed in touch because we like each other. She was always interested in what I was doing and asked if she could participate in the album. She gave me her ideas and we made two songs.

Are you going to defend this album on stage?

I would like. Not right away because I want to take the time to do things well and I already have precise ideas of what I want to do on stage. I would like there to be dance, and not just urban dance, but also ballroom dance. I’ve already performed a bit as an opening act for artists and it was great. This thing is a drug! But here, as it is my project that I want to share and defend on stage, what I have in mind requires time. I hope to be able to do it early next year.

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Anthony Colette: “As soon as the filming was finished, I already wanted to start again on another one”

You are a dancer, a singer, but also an actor. We saw you in particular in Léo Matteï, minors brigade, Tomorrow belongs to us And The mysteries of love. What memories do you have of these experiences?

It was great! Everything was different, but everything was great. On Leo Matteï, the pace was intense, but I got along really well with Jean-Luc Reichmann. We were laughing, it was really good! Tomorrow belongs to us, it was great but it was an extremely fast pace. We filmed every day, every day. This is where I learned the most. It was a crazy adventure! And for The mysteries of loveI didn’t play in many episodes, but I was happy to find Elsa (Esnoult, editor’s note). And then it was funny because I played my own role. Each experience made me want to continue. As soon as the filming was finished, I already wanted to start again on another one.

So, do you have any other projects?

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I’m currently in talks, so I don’t want to discuss it now, in case it doesn’t happen… Everything is on track, but it all takes time, it’s very long. Anyway, I’m very happy with what I can be offered and the way things are happening. I’m pretty confident.

During Dance with the stars, you’ve been super cash on Twitch. You mentioned your salary, criticized the judges’ scores, revealed that production had told you that you would not win with Natasha St-Pier… You don’t fear retaliation from TF1?

No, because I feel free in everything I do and I don’t depend on anyone. I said what I thought and I don’t know if there will be retaliation. If I had to do it again, I would do everything the same. If there are retaliations, well that’s life, it doesn’t matter, that’s how it is! And if everything is going well and it should continue, that’s great too.

Anthony Colette: “It’s the first time in my life that I think about my physical health every day because I’m in pain”

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You finished the season in poor condition. How are you doing today ?

I’m getting better but it’s the first time in my life that I think about my physical health every day because I’m in pain. Because even if I’m better, I feel that it’s fragile and I know that it will come back at some point because I didn’t take care of myself properly. I’m still young, but I’ve taken care of myself too many times. I’m a little scared for the future. I don’t know what it’s going to be like.

Maybe you should have saved yourself?

Lots of people told me that, except that there was no way I was going to stop, unless I was down and had to be picked up. But as long as I could walk, and therefore dance, even if I was very, very, very, very sore, I couldn’t give up. It’s not in my state of mind. If I have to fall, I fall, but I didn’t fall. It was complicated, but I held on and it ended well.

You said you received a lot of death threats online. How did you handle this situation?

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We can’t manage it! I was advised not to watch but for me it was impossible. It broke my morale of course, but at the same time, it motivated me. I think that’s what made me not stop physically because I was in pain. The only answer I could give to these people, and there were many, was this: “Watch the next bonus, and you’ll get even more excited!”

Were you ever afraid?

Yes, when some people found my address and said they were going to come to my house. Now it’s starting to get very scary. I had a moment where I questioned whether or not to continue the show because of that. In the end, I did well not to stop!

It’s still a little early, but do you already know if you will be in the next season of Dance with the stars ?

No idea ! For the moment, I’m not thinking about it and I prefer to ride the wave of happiness at having won. In a few months I’ll really start thinking about it.

On this season, there was both your partner, Giulia Caillaud, who is a makeup artist, and the dancer Ana Riera, your ex. Was it complicated to live with?

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Oh there were much more complicated things this season and I admit that that was the least of my worries (He bursts out laughing). Everything went very well at this level, there were zero problems. The season went very well for Ana too, it seems to me, she had a great run. Really quiet!

You are very discreet about your private life but you seem very happy to Giulia. Are you already thinking about getting married or starting a family?

These are questions that we ask ourselves a little. We talk about it, but we take the time. What’s good is that we’re really on the same page on this so we’re very relaxed on this subject. There is nothing official, we are more in the suggestion by seeing friends who start to get married and have children. For the moment, we are both doing well and we are not planning to go on this adventure in the short or medium term.


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