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Adeline Blondieau disturbed by the love scenes in Sous le soleil: “Certain actors were trying to take advantage of the situation”

Adeline Blondieau has never had her tongue in her pocket and she continues to prove it on social networks. The actress, also a sophrologist and artist, regularly speaks to talk about health, her life in the Camargue and her filming memories. Example with one of his latest videos published Sunday on Instagram.

Adeline Blondieau’s discomfort during sex scenes

The actress, who became a star of the small screen thanks to the series Under the sun broadcast between 1996 and 2008, spoke about a particular aspect of the series that she could not bear at the time and still today: the filming of the love and kissing scenes. Sequences which are today supervised by intimacy coordinators who allow “to organize a choreography” and of “get comfortable”, underlined Adeline Blondieau in her message. But the interpreter of Caroline in the series did not have the chance to be surrounded by professionals when she was filming Under the sun. Which made him experience not always easy times. “We had a director who left it in our hands and told us: “Get on with it! “. For me, it put me in deep distress because I had to manage it alone. I found myself facing actors who, for the most part, were trying to take advantage of the situation. Except the girl with whom I exchanged several kisses”she denounced, still marked by this experience.

Adeline Blondieau’s tackle on Bernard Montiel

To protect yourself on the set Under the sunAdeline Blondieau has implemented “very strict rules” so that the kisses remain cinema kisses, “without language exchange”. “You stick your tongue out, I clench my teeth. If you are insistent, I will bite you and you will never come back.”she detailed in this Instagram video which also allowed her to directly tackle one of her former partners. “I came across the following video, at the time it didn’t amuse me, nor today. I’m perplexed and don’t really know what to think about it. I would like your opinion”she wrote, posting an extract from Do not touch My TV (C8) in which Bernard Montiel (who played in Under the sun) laughingly recounts putting his tongue out while kissing him in a scene while he was “fell in love with her”. “She bit my tongue. She will laugh if she looks at us (…) We are very friends, she is a wonderful girl. (…) It was planned that we would have a goodbye kiss in the film and everyone told me that I wasn’t capable of it. I said I was. She bit my tongue. You can see my face and they kept it.”he told C8.


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