Have you seen them yet?
Not yet.
Are there other places, like restaurants, that you like to visit when you are in the United States or Miami?
I'm quite spoiled because in Italy the food is really good. Miami, I find it very pleasant plus for the living conditions. Most of the time it is very warm and the weather is beautiful. I like the proximity of the water, the palm trees everywhere. For a French person like me who comes from the north of France, every time I see a palm tree, it evokes summer and rest. I have a few friends here who I still visit from time to time. As for restaurants, I'm still exploring.
What do you eat on race day?
Everything is planned in advance, because most of the time it's the same timing every race weekend. Chefs always cook the same omelettes and the same yogurts. When we talk about strategy, this is my lunch slot, mostly rice with chicken and a mild curry just to add a little flavor, and some vegetables. I usually eat breakfast two and a half hours before the race, which gives me time to digest. When I get to the grill, I always have a gel to get an extra dose of carbs. I take this and some caffeine pills before getting in the car.
I was going to ask you if you were drinking an espresso or something like that right before.
Yes, I drink a lot of coffee. I have a coffee when I work out, then another one right before I get in the car and an extra caffeine pill. When I finish the race I also have a snack because we used a lot of fuel. This weekend in particular, it's going to be very, very hot. We will probably lose a lot of weight, hydration is very, very important for us throughout the weekend. We lose a lot of water every time we are in the car. It is very hot under our flame-retardant clothing, our balaclavas and our helmets. It can reach 45 degrees indoors so it's very important to stay hydrated throughout the weekend.
Do you eat pasta after the race?
Yes, usually that's what I do. The chefs we have here are Italian, so they make really good pasta. If I travel directly after the race, they make me pasta that I take with me. But otherwise, on Sunday evening, you can indulge yourself a little more in terms of flavors.
Let's quickly return to the coffee. I know I drink at least two or three cups a day. How much do you take?
Pretty much the same. It varies, but I would say I drink no less than two or three. I also try not to splurge and have no more than four a day. I might have one or two in the morning, one at midday, and sometimes one in the afternoon. I like that.
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