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“Darts on your portrait”: Charline Vanhoenacker drops a not insignificant anecdote

Since 1984, Antoine de Caunes has been part of the Canal + group. As of 2015, Canal+ is owned by the controversial shareholder
Vincent Bolloré, but the journalist is still there. “I have gone through all the
eras and all diets.
Survivorit's me !”
he says in an interview for Telerama.

Strongly criticized, Vincent Bolloré now owns
several media like the Canal + group, Le JDD or even Europe 1.

Vincent Bolloré at the heart of criticism

Everything shook up in 2015 for Antoine de Caunes when shareholder Vincent Bolloré took the helm of Canal +. THE
flagship programs as the Grand Journal, the Guignols or Zapping stop abruptly. “I take it so very violent. I then ask for a appointment to Vincent Bolloré so that he can explain it to me. One hour alone. It's the only time in my life that I saw him.” he explains to
Telerama before the new leader offers him a new program: Antoine's show.

Charline Vanhoenacker also testified on this arrival of Vincent Bolloré and the choice of Antoine de Caunes to stay on Canal +: “It’s a
confides the comedian of
who had to work on Antoine's show.
“Following one of my columns where I scratched Bolloré, Antoine told me that there was now
darts on my portrait at Canaland that
would not be done. I have it a lot
bedroom with that.”

Antoine de Caunes explains his choice

“Antoine, this is the ideal deposit for Bolloré.”, “I have a little harm with those who go to the soup. But Antoine is less
blame as Groland or Mouloud Achour, he is in the pure entertainment, he never played an anars.”
say former employees. After months of depression following Vincent Bolloré's budgetary changes, Antoine de Caunes remained in the group.
“We are in a world capitalist enough
brutaland sometimes it shows more than others. I wary of 'morality' ambient. I can't feel guilty or accomplice of 'crimes' which I did not commit.”
the presenter defends.

On Vincent Bolloré's ultra-conservative policy, considered far-right, the latter also responds: “I don't feel like I'm breaking any line morale or to have changed ma nature to be able to continue to exist in a system that would be the opposite of what I am. I work for Canal +, which is part of a group where there are other channels with different managements. I am in the
flagshipI don't have never been on the side of extremes.”
he explains before questioning. “You know some cinema people who do not work with Canal ? I don't. However, are they the cautions of a system?”



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