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Thomas Dutronc “tries to [s]e prepare for departure” by Françoise Hardy, who “is not doing very well”

THomas Dutronc spoke with great modesty of his preparation for the imminent death of his mother, Françoise Hardy. The singer and musician was Steven Bellery’s guest in THEUnexpected diary, on RTL, this Saturday 1er June.

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The host summoned the memory of his famous parents, Jacques Dutronc and Françoise Hardy, by broadcasting their cover of the song by Jean Nohain and Mireille “Since you are leaving on a trip”. For Thomas Dutronc, the emotion is strong when he hears their voices. The journey he evokes is the definitive one that the singer of “All the Boys and Girls” is about to take.

READ ALSO Étienne Daho: his confidences about his friend Françoise Hardy “We are trying to prepare for his departure, psychologically,” he admits. And, his voice weak, he adds: “So it’s a lot of emotions, she’s not going to be there all the time. »

No better

Françoise Hardy “does not have very good health at the moment”, as her son points out, without revealing any secrets. “People know about it,” he recalls about the cancer of the lymphatic system from which the singer-songwriter has suffered for almost twenty years and the cancer of the larynx which has caused her to suffer since 2019.

“There, things are not getting better with time, obviously,” he remarks. In the meantime, “we talk to each other, we see each other,” he says helplessly to the host.

Die with dignity

Can you prepare for your mother’s departure? Thomas Dutronc does not elaborate on this painful subject, but those who know him and those who follow the journey of Françoise Hardy know that the 80-year-old singer has publicly announced that she is preparing for her death. And that she even wanted to prepare it. Like Line Renaud, dying with dignity is her fight.

“I have been all for euthanasia since I was 23. I would like the law to change in France as in other European countries,” she said in December 2023, referring to the “nightmare” that the illness and treatments are causing her to experience.

Explaining that she wanted to “leave soon and quickly”, the interpreter of “Comment te dire adieu” even sent a letter to President Emmanuel Macron published in La Tribune Sunday in favor of assisted suicide. “We are all counting on your empathy,” she wrote. A bill on end of life has been presented to the National Assembly and is currently being examined.


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