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Marc Lavoine makes rare confidences about his blended family: “It’s a victory that is never won”

THE stepfamilies are quite common, but it is not always easy to live with on a daily basis. And this is also the case for Marc Lavoine. About two years ago, the French singer and actor divorced the novelist Line Papin. While she was 33 years younger than him, they were married in July 2020, two years after the start of their affair. But, before that, the sentimental life by Marc Lavoine was already agitated.

Vianney: tender confidences about his blended family

Indeed, in the 1970s, he met Denise Pascale, model and actress, during a failed audition. The two lovebirds married in 1982, before having a child in 1986: Simon Lavoine. The couple still divorced a few years later. In 1995, Marc Lavoine married Sarah Poniatowski, an interior decorator and designer, in Marrakech. They divorced in 2018, after almost 24 years of marriage. But, from this union, were born three children : Yasmine in 1998, Roman in 2007 and Milo in 2010.

A blended family

Today, the 61 year old singer lives with his blended family. Generally discreet about his private life, he spoke about this subject in the “50′ Inside” show this Saturday, June 1st. Isabelle Ithurburu, the presenter, then asked him: “Today you are the father of a very beautiful blended family. You have a big boy, then three children with Sarah Poniatowski. This clan, this blended family, is this perhaps your greatest victory and where true love is found?

Marc Lavoine reveals why he lives today with his 36-year-old son

If Marc Lavoine is happy with his familyit still brings a nuance. “It’s a victory that is never won,” he explains. “A child can be well and suddenly can be bad. It’s very fragile”. Before continuing : “My daughter is perhaps the most consistent. She’s the one who always goes well. But boys, it’s complicated”.

As an explanation, he confides that each of his boys “wear a little [ses] suitcases”. “And I do not know why. However, I did not show my suitcases, I always tried to be good, but it is true that they have a sensitivity which sometimes takes them towards a form of distress.”

But the singer is still very happy. “In any case, it’s a beautiful trip. Children, it’s a beautiful journey, really.”


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