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“Totally false”: Ingrid Chauvin makes a major clarification on her marriage

It was on October 12 that Ingrid Chauvin said “yes” to her companion Philippe Warrin during an intimate and simple ceremony. A moment that she will never forget and she made it known in the columns of Pocket this Monday, October 28. The actress returned to this day, also making a very important clarification. “I read that it was me who made the request, that’s totally false,” she first said. Ingrid Chauvin subsequently specifies that it is a
“decision that was taken together, naturally” before remembering this specific day. “One day, Philippe told me that he had always dreamed of me being his wife but that he didn’t dare ask me” she confided.

Ingrid Chauvin was transparent on the subject: “We had each had this experience before and he was afraid that I wouldn't want to get married again. Finally, we said to ourselves that if the children liked it, we would go for it”. A decision which was therefore taken by the couple's children. “We told them about it, they cried with joy,” assures Ingrid Chauvin who specifies: “It reassured me that we were already a family. However, I had sworn to myself that I would no longer trust a man.” However, when Philippe Warrin came back into his life, the actress had no choice but to open her heart to him.

Ingrid Chauvin: “she’s my soul mate”

Ingrid Chauvin didn't think she would relive true love again… Then Philippe Warrin showed up. “Something crazy happened between us, something that neither he nor I had expected,” she said. Very fulfilled, the actress shouts it loud and clear. “I have the feeling of being in perfect balance, in particular thanks to this beautiful blended family that we form”, she continued. Ingrid Chauvin is not afraid to say it: “Philippe is my soul mate”. The two met twenty years ago but the timing was not right. Although they have since rebuilt their lives, they have finally found each other.

“No doubt at the time, we would not have known what to do with our history”, says Ingrid Chauvin.
Today, both are determined not to miss out on the love they have for each other. “What we are experiencing sweeps away the difficult things we may have gone through before”she continued before adding: “When I hear Philippe’s children tell me that I am their mother from the South, I tell myself that I am very lucky”. For his part, Philippe Warrin welcomed Tom into his life. “Their relationship is wonderful,” assures Ingrid Chauvin.

Ingrid Chauvin: a marriage she will never forget

The day she said “yes” to Philippe Warrin, the actress lived a real fairy tale.
“I hadn't planned to wear a wedding dress but I fell in love with this one”, she confided before adding: “Philippe was with me for the fittings. I also accompanied him to choose his costume”.
Their wedding day was a wonderful moment especially since they were surrounded by the people who are closest to them. “The blow of grace was delivered by my son who told me: “you have made my biggest dream come true!”, affirmed Ingrid Chauvin, still very touched by this moment.


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