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Michel Denisot contacted by a close friend of Emmanuel Macron, this position at the top which he refused

In the columns of La Tribune Sunday On October 27, Michel Denisot revealed that someone close to Emmanuel Macron had made him a great proposal, to which he said no.

In addition to revealing the first extracts from Michel Denisot's book Very first time, they all started on Canal published by Flammarion this Wednesday October 30, La Tribune Sunday publishes this October 27 an interview with the former presenter of Grand Journal. The one who always wants to stay “reserve” y reveals that he has often been approached by political figures to offer him a career in this field. The first to ask him about this was Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, in the 1970s. “He wanted me to be a candidate for the legislative elections in my area, in Châteauroux”explained Michel Denisot. Before adding: “After that, it continued until not long ago.”

Michel Denisot could have been Minister of Culture instead of Roselyne Bachelot

But what position has he been offered in politics recently? “Well, I don’t really want to bring her back to that, but it was quite surprising to me…”Michel Denisot first responded before revealing more. “It happened in a bistro opposite here, three years ago, I had coffee with someone close to Emmanuel Macron who offered me a ministry… If only that had been the Sports, I would have understood… But it was Culture !”revealed in La Tribune Sunday the former boss of PSG and the Canal+ group. “It was before the appointment of Roselyne Bachelot (in 2020, editor’s note). I didn't feel legitimate, and then I didn't want the life of a minister.”the television man justified himself. Before concluding: “I immediately said no and thanked him.”

Michel Denisot “flattered” by the surprising proposal from someone close to Emmanuel Macron

Once this meeting was over, Michel Denisot could not believe that someone close to the head of state imagined him on rue de Valois. “When I came out of the cafe and walked home, I was laughing to myself ! Life is still incredible!”indicated the 79-year-old journalist who does not wish to get involved politically. “My ego was flattered for five minutes… Maybe a little more…”he nevertheless admitted. “You're going to write it, and that's normal, but I don't want to brag…”he concluded. History will record that he said no.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias


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