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interview with the actress from the film Kali on Prime Video

Revealed by two films by Abdellatif Kechiche, the charismatic French actress Sabrina Ouazani, who we loved in the series Valid And Heart planis spectacular in the muscular and (very) bloody revenge film Kali, released on Prime Video on May 31. On this occasion, she confided in Number on his favorite action films, Kill Bill from Quentin Tarantino to Nikita by Luc Besson.

comments collected by Violaine Schütz.

Sabrina Ouazani at the Elie Saab fall-winter 2022-2023 fashion show, May 5, 2022. Photo by Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images.

The Three Musketeers: Milady, Furiosa: a Max Max saga, Women on the balcony… Lately, there have been countless revenge films with a feminine twist. As if these power grabs symbolized, with a certain radicalism and a lot of violence, the words taken by the #MeToo movement.

And the trend is not about to reverse. On May 31, 2024, we will discover the excellent Sabrina Ouazani (Valid, Heart plan) In KaliA revenge movie bloody and cathartic broadcast by Prime Video. The actress revealed by The Dodge (2004) et The Seed and the Mule (2007)Abdellatif Kechiche Plays Lisa, aka Kali, a former member of the Special Forces who goes in pursuit of those who caused the death of her husband, murdered in Rio de Janeiro. HAS This occasion, the 35-year-old French actress reveals her favorite action films.

Sabrina Ouazani’s favorite action films, showing on Kali on Prime Video

The trailer for Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003).

1. Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003) by Quentin Tarantino

“When I think of my favorite action films, I first think of the first part of Kill Bill of Quentin Tarantino, which came out when I was 13 or 14 and which had an impact on me. I like the aesthetic of the film, the power ofUma Thurman, so beautiful and fair, who traces and takes back the reins of her life after the killing which takes place during her wedding in order to take revenge, her yellow superheroine uniform which made me dream. See another woman, outside tomb Raider, headlining an action film, it’s daring. Quentin Tarantino goes deep and completely mastered in the genre of revenge movie. There is something almost absurd in this film that I like. As an actress for the film Kali, Uma Thurman’s performance inspired me a lot. But the rest of the cast is incredible.”

The trailer for Heat (1996).

2. Heat (1996) by Michael Mann

I adore Heatwith its 5 (or even 18) star cast: Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro And Val Kilmer. Michael Mann is a huge director. His characters are always extremely complex, at the same time touching, endearing and detestable (in certain aspects), with great humanity. There is pure action in this film too. The final scene, the confrontation between the two main actors, is brilliant. This film, run by two bosses (Al Pacino and Robert De Niro) whom I admire enormously, marked my adolescence.

The fight between Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris in Fury of the Dragon (1972).

3. Dragon’s Fury (1972) by Bruce Lee

I watched a lot of martial arts films, especially kung fu, with my father when I was little, featuring Jackie Chan And Bruce Lee. So I think of The Dragon’s fury (1972). It’s my Proust madeleine that reminds me of friendly moments of laughter and tenderness with my dad and my brother where we tried to raise our legs as high as possible and reproduce certain figures. I used to watch the series Walker, Texas Rangerso when I saw Chuck Norris in this film, opposite Bruce Lee, I was delighted. Throughout the film, we wait for the fight between the two men. In this type of feature film, the heroes have a certain philosophy. They don’t fight aimlessly. They are not gratuitously violent. They fight for a reason, a cause, to defend someone from the pressures of the mafia, for example.

An extract from Nikita (1990) by Luc Besson.

4. Nikita (1990) by Luc Besson

There are definitely a lot of action films in my list. I had a hard time choosing just five because it’s a genre that I love. But I have to talk about Nikitaan action film signed Luc Besson with a female character in the lead, which was very rare in the early 90s. Anne Parillaud is magnificent in this role: simple, whole, fragile, strong, loving and endowed with immeasurable courage. She is very inspiring. Finally, we have a heroine without embellishment and without showing off. Because in action films with leading male roles, men are often show-offs and show off. Nikita is beautiful without realizing her beauty and her formidable efficiency. Tchéky Karyo also has incredible charisma in this film.

The trailer for Django Unchained (2013).

5. Django Unchained (2013) by Quentin Tarantino

I hesitated to end this list with Flip/Face (1997) with Nicolas Cage or with Terminator (1984). But I will say Django Unchained (2013) Quentin Tarantino, whose cinema and light I love. I have seen it many times. I am madly in love with Jamie Foxxhis talent, his beauty, his manner and handling weapons and just walking into a room, but who wouldn’t be while watching the movie? Leonardo DiCaprio And Kerry Washington are also awesome in it. Samuel L. Jackson is super funny as a sadistic housekeeper. It is a film which denounces things and evokes slavery since it tells the story of a slave who is freed in the South of the United States, two years before the Civil War and who is going to associate with a hitman. This proves that action films are deep even though they often fall victim to shortcuts. Django made me think and led me to have great discussions with friends about Tarantino’s cinema and writing. And that’s what films are made for: to have enriching moments of exchange and sharing. I love cinema for this reason.

Kali (2024) by Julien Seri, with Sabrina Ouazani, available May 31, 2024 on Prime Video.


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