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Long live the Queen of Get Me Out of Here!

Sunday evening, I put on my beige explorer shorts, my camper’s backpack, my red sweater, my hiking boots, to go on an expedition. I wasn’t going into the jungle to face tarantulas. I was going to Montérégie!

Destination: Rosalie Vaillancourt’s garage!

Fortunately, this time, she recognized me!


With Rosalie, Clodine, Dave, Alex and the others, we watched the last episode of Get me out of here!. And I was able to tell them all how proud I was of them and everything they had accomplished in Panama.

I have already written in The newspaper what to participate in Get me out of here! had been “the most beautiful and difficult professional experience of my life”. But I must tell you that it was also one of the most beautiful human experiences I have had.

Yes, after watching the entire season, I am sure that all my camper friends were profoundly changed by their time in Panama.

I can still hear in my ears the cries of anguish of Patricia Paquin, locked up with enormous snakes (some of which remained stuck in the lining of her dress) and I cannot see a pendulum in a store without thinking of my beautiful queen of the jungle, Clodine Desrochers.

It was written in the sky (or on a tarot card) that Clodine was going to win the title of queen of the jungle: I suspected it as soon as she won the camp leader elections. And that was before knowing all the privileges that came with it! Clodine fully deserves everything that happens to her.

Once eliminated, every Sunday, I followed the adventures of the other campers. I freaked out in my living room when I saw Audrey confronting the toads (we all knew how much that terrified her); I loved Alex’s zen reaction to Rosalie’s tasty sabotage; I bawled my life out watching Dave video communicate with his family (whom he talked to us ALL THE TIME!).

Now that it’s official that there will be a third season of Get me out of here!I have two tips for 2024 campers.

Tip no 1: Stock up on sleep before leaving because once at camp, the nights are going to be short! We were treated to Dave Morissette who snored like an 18-wheel truck, Philippe Laprise and Rosalie Vaillancourt who made jokes at 4 a.m. as if they were on a break at the Brothel and howler monkeys who partyed as if they were in a bikini at the Beach Club.

Tip no 2: Have fun! Make the most of every second in camp, every challenge, every mouthful of disgusting stuff because it goes by quickly! Too fast!


I’m going to tell you a secret: sometimes when I lie down in my cozy bed, with air conditioning, after a hearty and tasty meal, well watered… I miss my uncomfortable camp bed, nights under the stars and meals of rice and beans. What happened in Panama will stay in Panama. But we all have the impression of having experienced unforgettable, intense and wonderful things there that made us better humans.


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