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Aurélie Dunand (Large families) confides in her desire to have a fourth child

Aurélie Dunand, known thanks to Large families: Life in XXLrevealed to his subscribers on Instagram that he wanted to take medical steps to help him have a fourth child.

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Aurélie Dunand, known to viewers for having participated in the show Large families: Life in XXL, on TF1, is also very popular on Instagram. Every day, the mother of a blended family of five children (her husband Cédric already being the father of two daughters before they met) shares her daily life with her subscribers. This Thursday, May 23, 2024, she notably spoke on a very delicate subject for her: “I wanted to talk to you about something a little intimate, which concerns our relationship… we’ve kept it to ourselves until now, but why not share our story, if it can help other people. Some already know it, but We’ve been trying to have one last little baby for three years now. I went through a miscarriage and for three years, every month, I have been collecting failures“, she first explained.

Aurélie Dunand (Large families) confides in his desire to have a fourth child

If Aurélie Dunand prefers to take the lead on the comments she might receive when talking about her story: “I know that I am extremely lucky to already have three beautiful, healthy children.“, she confides: “But I want to have a little one, I can’t explain it to you, it’s there. And I don’t want to mourn one last pregnancy.“The mother therefore revealed her project:”That’s why I really want to put all the chances on our side. Tomorrow, we have an appointment in Lyon, in a private clinic, because even if I didn’t want to go through that, we will definitely need medical help“, she assured.

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Aurélie Dunand (Large families) discusses her use of medicine to get pregnant

According to the results of the battery of tests I took, the problem comes from me… Morality, nothing is ever taken for granted. I limitedly chose the month of birth of my previous pregnancy and there, for no reason, I found myself with fertility problems. I’m really looking forward to tomorrow’s meeting and what we’re going to be told“, frankly admits Aurélie Dunand. In July 2023, she explained that she was waiting before using medicine to get pregnant, particularly out of fear.”to have a multiple pregnancy“.


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