DayFR Euro

“You have to be mentally strong to not get lost”

Photo credits: Elisa Baudoin

Comments collected by Théau Berthelot.

How do you feel a few hours before this RTL2 concert?
Well, I can’t wait! I love this kind of concert, plus tonight it’s a bit special because it’s acoustic. It’s me, all alone with my guitar, it’s a bit like I’m in my living room with people, it’s intimate. I adore. Honestly, I can’t wait!

Especially since you share the bill with Clara Luciani, Eddy de Pretto and Jean-Louis Aubert !
Yes it’s crazy! But whether it’s here or on other sets, I meet a lot of artists and it’s pretty crazy. Every time I love talking with them, discussing their experiences, it’s just a pleasure and I hear them repeat. It’s so cool, it’s a new life for me!

Your album “Every second” has just exceeded 100,000 sales in just four months…
It’s crazy! Already, there was the first single “Ceux qu’on été” which was a big hit. I didn’t want to rely on this success for the future but it was still quite big. I’m really happy that people picked up the album, listened to it and liked it. It makes me so happy and it reassures me for the tour. I can’t wait to perform all these songs live. It proves that people didn’t just stop at the single, they went further and listened to my other songs. I’m super happy!

Did you expect such great success?
Before, no! Initially, I went to the “Star Academy” for two weeks of fun and it turned into three intense months. (Laughs) I didn’t expect all that, you can’t expect it. It’s pretty crazy. I’m living it, I’m trying to make the most of it, we’ll see how long it lasts, I hope for a long time.

You have just released the duet “Every second” with M. Pokora. How did this meeting come about?

We already met at the “Star Ac” prime since he came to sing. Afterwards, when I left, I did a lot of radio sets and he was often there too. We talked a little bit, from time to time, and one day he told me that “Every Second” was his favorite song on the album. I told him I was keen to sing it together. It came like that. We did a studio session and it clicked so well right away that we did it. I am very happy to have been able to meet him, to have been able to talk with him and to know him well today.

You also cover the cult Gillette song in a new ad. It’s quite surprising! Why did you accept?
It was offered to me and I thought it was cool. I liked the idea of ​​being able to make the original song a little more rock. I found it funny. And then we had a great day doing that, so it was so good.

Were you not afraid of criticism on these two projects?
Yes, there are always criticisms of this kind of project which is different, because it’s for a brand… But that’s life, that’s normal!

How do you deal with these criticisms today?

Sometimes there are reviews that are very interesting. I can use them because I find them constructive. Sometimes I listen to people who say that they didn’t like something and I tell myself that I could have done that differently. Afterwards, there are critics to criticize and I really try to ignore that. But overall, I find people quite respectful: either they give me advice, providing constructive criticism, or they are happy so that suits me!

This summer, you took a break to recharge your batteries. Was it necessary?
Completely ! I took a few weeks off after these crazy weeks I’ve had since last October. It was important for me to breathe, reconnect and understand what was happening to me too. I was able to see my friends again and go on vacation. I rested alone, I was able to see my family again too. I really didn’t make music for a month. And I was able to come back better too, to do again what I was already doing a few months ago but with more form and energy.

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In fact, since the start of the year you’ve been absolutely everywhere: concerts, interviews, promo, TV… How do you manage the pressure on a daily basis?
I don’t make the agenda. (Laughs) I have a schedule that I have to follow, sometimes I say no to certain things, but I think it’s done well! And now that the madness has passed a little, between the release of the album and the “Star Academy” tour, we’re trying to arrange the schedule so that it’s no longer super busy and I don’t sleep anymore, like that could have been the case before. It’s going well, it’s true that I’m a bit everywhere, but it’s cool because, whether it’s promotion or concerts, these are things that I love doing.

We are talking more and more about pressure from artists, I am thinking of the singer of L’Impératrice who left the group and denounced the industry’s lack of consideration for the mental health of artists. Do you understand it?

Of course ! It’s true that this job requires a certain pressure: we are constantly being watched, our actions are watched, we are put under pressure to do things well. Obviously, you have to be fairly straight in your shoes and mentally strong to succeed in staying there and not forgetting yourself. I think it really depends on people’s personalities. It’s definitely work and it’s not easy. It’s a lot of pressure but it’s also a lot of fun! You have to be able to find the in-between so as not to get lost.

When we see that you went from anonymity to celebrity in no time, and that your every move is scrutinized, can such success be scary?
It’s true that it’s hard to get used to it, you don’t necessarily get used to it… I try not to pay too much attention to it. I make music, I try to stay with my normal life without paying too much attention to everyone looking at you. But it’s true that it can be very disturbing because you start to think about all your actions, more than before naturally. But I try to stay as natural as possible. I’m not too in control, otherwise we get lost in wanting to control everything, all the time.

You will begin your first solo tour in January. What can we expect?

Square the tricks! (Smile) I can’t wait, it’s going to be so good. I toured with Star Ac, but there were a lot of us and we only sang covers. There, it will really be a tour for me, people will really come and listen to my songs. I’m very musical, so there will be a big group. It’s going to be very musical, I also want a nice set design. I really want to focus on the scenography, that the musical direction is top notch, that people can sing with me and that we share a friendly moment, whether in the Zénith or small venues.

Is starting with small rooms a way of not skipping steps?
Yes, but these are small rooms which are already huge from my point of view! (Smile) The Olympia is still crazy! I think small venues are harder than big venues, because you really see the audience, you’re a lot closer. To test a tour and see if it really works, it’s good to be a little closer to the beginning.

You talk a lot about your influences like Ed Sheeran or John Mayer, who often perform alone on stage. So this won’t be the case for you?
It’s true that I’ve done a lot of stage work on my own before, but now, for the tour, I’m going to have a lot of instruments, so that it’s alive and very organic.

You claim a lot of rock influences, notably Led Zeppelin or Guns N’ Roses who you say you listened to when you were younger. But surprisingly, this doesn’t come through in your songs yet. When?

In fact, I think I would never really do rock songs. They are more influences… But perhaps in the future I will put more into my songs, that is to say, make a mix between the songs that I currently do, which are more pop in the vein of this that I listen to like Ed Sheeran… For the future, I would like to move towards a mixture of the two. Afterwards I’ll see, there’s the tour then I’ll sit down to think about what’s next.

Have you already started thinking about the second album?
No, not too much. I thought instead about how I would like to start it. I don’t have any songs yet, I would like to do it at a time when I can isolate myself and make lots of songs for two-three weeks, then find people to offer them… But I really want to start by being alone at first.

You did a cover of Ed Sheeran, “Bloodstream” which was very well received. Even Ed Sheeran responded in person!

Finally he responded… He commented on the post instead! (Smile) It makes me happy because I’m such a fan. When Ed Sheeran comments on a video in which I sing his song, it means that he really validates my cover! I’m like crazy, I’m so happy. That alone made my day. It’s pretty crazy because it’s something I never thought I’d achieve. Already, where I am today in , but also having a little tap on the shoulder from the international, from Ed Sheeran, that’s nice.

Fans noticed that your concert in and that of Ed Sheeran were very close… Can we dream of a duet?
Yes, the dates coincide! We’re almost two days away. Why not, there is nothing planned at the moment, I have not been contacted apart from this “ So good » that I saw. I’d like to, why not go see him already, then we’ll see.

I recently interviewed Victorien and he told me that, for him, duets between students of the “Star Academy” won’t happen right away. Do you understand this choice?
It’s true, I totally understand. We had both already talked about it… It’s true that we were all together during “Star Ac” and it’s important that everyone finds their identity, makes their own journey. Why not maybe meet up again in several years, that would be very cool. But to do it there immediately, it’s like we’re continuing the “Star Ac”. It’s important that everyone makes their own plans and can find their way.

Clara Luciani, who is at this RTL2 concert this evening, has been chosen as godmother of the new season of “Star Academy”. A good choice in your opinion?

Yes, I think so! It’s true that I don’t know her yet, I just met her quickly. But she’s going to be a very good godmother. And I’m especially looking forward to seeing the new season, how it’s going to go… Now that I’ve experienced it, I’m a little nostalgic to tell myself that it’s already the end for us.

As a winner, what advice would you give to new students?
It’s hard to say that, because everyone doesn’t experience the same things, but the advice is to all be together, try not to get confused. It’s an adventure that is tough, mentally and physically, so we can get along and help each other as much as possible without forcing ourselves. It can help them experience this adventure. And we must not forget that we must not put pressure on ourselves. Music is your passion, do it to the fullest. It’s just music.

Many hope to see in the new promotion the “new Pierre, Julien, Helena”… What, according to you, made the difference with your promotion?
I couldn’t really tell you that. But I think it’s perhaps the fact that we got along, that we were really there to make music, there was a group energy… We experienced it from inside but maybe from the outside, we were seen as an endearing group, maybe we all sang very well. (Smile) But it really worked!


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