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Joalukas Noah has a well-known “fear”: Yannick’s son tests a course to overcome it, with 95% success

Life is good for Joalukas Noah, who has had the chance to travel a lot during his young life. At 20 years old, the son of Yannick Noah and Isabelle Camus is living the high life in with his mother and although we ultimately know very little about his professional life, he in any case seems to have a pronounced taste for partying. With an older brother, Joakim Noah, living in the United States, just like their sister, Jenaye, it is often the opportunity for the tall blond with blue eyes to take the plane to travel the world.

Problem, the one who has just revealed the face of his partner Pauline with photos is obviously terrified of flying! In any case, this is what he has just shown through a series of photos and videos (to be found in the slideshow) published in his story on Instagram. The French tennis legend’s son is a prankster by nature and he started by posting a photo taken from the cockpit of what looks like the interior of a plane with the destination “Los Angeles, California”. But far from going to America, Joalukas Noah is actually in a flight simulator set up by the company Air and which is part of a course allowing stressed people to overcome their fears when they are on a plane.

Joalukas Noah is afraid on a plane

“I was in a simulator because I’m afraid of flying tsais”ends up confiding the one who had a blast with Jade Hallyday and Stella Belmondo for his 20th birthday, before adding, always in a humorous tone: “I just have all my street cred.” Internships that are obviously popular if we are to believe the magazine Benefitswho was able to test it. “Be careful, however, the course is not miraculous. It helps you understand flying and understand your anxieties, but you also have to learn to work on yourself and your stress downstream”specifies our colleagues, before giving a figure of “95% success after the internship”according to the psychologist and aeronautics specialist from the Anti-Stress center, Philippe Goeury.

We will now see if Joalukas Noah will be able to better understand his fear of flying, as he often has to travel by air.


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