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“How a high-level athlete falls into charlatanism…”: Laure Manaudou, her new project criticized

In June 2005, the trial had moved . In the dock, two parents: Pascale, 46 years old, and her husband Ronan, 45 years old, are being prosecuted in court for “deprivation of care or food followed by death”. Justice suspects them of letting Kerywan, one of their children, die aged 16 months.

“He reminded me of a child of the Sahelremembers Professor Auguste Le Moigne, the former head of the pediatrics department of the hospital (Morbihan) on the stand during the hearing. It was he who decided to alert the prosecution following his doubts about the cause of the child’s death who, at his death on November 12, 2000, weighed only 6 kilos, the weight of a 4-month-old infant…

“An unbalanced diet always affects the quantity and quality of the mother’s milk, explains the doctor. I am a big advocate of breastfeeding, but from 4-6 months, meat must be introduced into the child’s diet. In the case of Kerywan, he is deficient in every way. It is not normal that at 16 months he was exclusively breastfed, especially if his mother did not have a balanced diet.” And the practitioner concludes: The role of a mother is to worry, all the same! You don’t let a child die of hunger.

On the day of the hearing, another testimony freezes the audience, it is that of Armelle, Pascale’s sister. She is a doctor, too… And she, too, decided to alert the courts. They felt so powerful with kinesiologycapable of freeing themselves from death, which was no longer a limit for them, I wondered how far they could go. Yes, I was afraid for the other children and so I made the decision to alert the prosecutor.”

“I finished my course in kinesiology”, rejoices Laure Manaudou

What is the link, one might ask, between this tragic news item involving kinesiologist parents and Laure Manaudou? It lies in the recent declarations of the ex-swimming champion, separated from Jérémy Frérot, the father of her sons, published on September 20 in the columns of the magazine Current Woman. Words which, although having aroused some indignant reactions, went relatively unnoticedbut which nevertheless raise questions and concerns.

Asked by our colleagues about her projects, the 38-year-old ex-swimmer said she wanted to serve others. “I have completed my course in kinesiology, I have validated my 600 hours of internship, all I have to do is pass the certification”she reveals.

According to the magazine, the mother of three children, a tribe she very rarely shows, plans to start this new profession soon. “It’s something I love doing.”she declares to Current Woman. “How to manage in a group, how to help people psychologically is something that fascinates meadds Florent Manaudou’s sister, ready to embark on this “new therapeutic approach”, we read in the weekly.

A new therapeutic approach? Not really. According to the Miviludes website (Interministerial Mission for Vigilance and the Fight against Sectarian Abuses), which devotes a long paragraph to it, kinesiology is a therapeutic method. inspired by Chinese medicinefounded in the 1960s by an American chiropractor. This psycho-corporal technique, explains this site published by the Ministry of the Interior, uses a muscular test of communication on a physical and emotional level.

“The radicalization of certain followers of this movement has led to abuses”

Offered to all ages and all audiences, it would allow users to optimize their “personal resources” with the help of a therapist, and achieve self-healing from existential difficulties and illnesses. The Miviludes website goes on to explain that this movement was born in the wake of the New Age, and that its followers advocate, in a more or less radical way, a break with lifestyle habits considered harmful, in favor of natural and authentic choices. such as organic food, alternative medicine, non-drug therapies or even ecology.

“Laure Manaudou, in a sect?” the site abruptly asked a few days ago, in the title of an article devoted to this information. The answer is not obvious. Miviludes observers conclude in fact that “the radicalization of certain followers of this movement has led to excesses of a sectarian nature”. They mention in particular the affair to illustrate these possible deviations.

Still, the information provoked reactions. On September 26, on X, in a series of tweets dedicated to this news concerning Maure Manaudou, a doctor, Jean-Jacques Fraslin noted: “the practice of kinesiology “is particularly questionable”. The different training courses are not recognized by the State and kinesiology is currently considered a pseudoscience. (…) A report published by INSERM in 2017 also states that kinesiology “has not to date proven its effectiveness“.”

“How a high-level athlete falls into charlatanism… how sad!”

This Inserm study, available on the web, concludes that “neither professional applied kinesiology nor energetic kinesiology have not yet demonstrated their effectiveness, and the manual muscle testing on which they are based has not demonstrated its reproducibility or diagnostic validity. Safety data is insufficient, and potential risks have been highlightedlinked in particular to the positioning of the practitioner and the risk of being placed under influence.”

In the comments, under the doctor’s post, Laurence Coiffard, doctor of pharmacy and professor at the University of goes further and comments on the news as follows: “Or how a high-level athlete falls into charlatanism… how sad!“.

Another reaction on the same social network, that of the Association for the Defense of Families and Individuals Victims of Sects in Alsace and which writes : “Laure Manaudou is now a kinesiologist, with a unrecognized diploma, obtained in a few months on unclear grounds.”


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