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Denitsa Ikonomova in “Disappearance”: “I felt like I was cheating on my boyfriend”

After playing the role of a dance teacher in 2018 in “Tomorrow belongs to us” on TF1, Denitsa Ikonomova returns to the acting profession. In fact, it will be This October 7, the series “Disappearance worrying” will be shown on 2 at 9:05 p.m.; her first real on-screen role. A new episode in which we will also find Béatrice Dalle.

Invited this October 7 from our colleagues from TV Magazinethe dancer who won “Dancing with the Stars” four times spoke about this unique experience. A experience which has not always been simple as she confides to Sarah Lecoeuvre and Damien Canivez. As a couple in the series, she says: “Playing with a husband, with someone I didn’t knowbe very comfortable with him, kiss him…“, it was obviously not easy for the young Bulgarian.

Was his companion François Alu jealous, the journalists asked. “Not at all, he’s an artist too. We are very close with our body when we dance so there was no problem” revealed Denitsa Ikonomova. On the other hand, kissing another man was weird for Denitsa : “I felt like I was cheating on my guy with permission. It was very disturbing but Radouan (Leflahi, editor’s note) is exceptional, he plays very well and that helps a lot” she revealed.

This shocking discovery for Denitsa Ikonomova during the filming of the series

On August 8, Denistsa Ikonomova and her darling François Alu announced a happy event. Both would become parents for the first time. A baby expected for “November” as the former Opéra Garnier dancer blundered in an interview with Le Figaro. But when did the couple learn that they were going to become parents? To our colleagues at TV Magazine, the dancer made quite a revelation.

Indeed, Rayane Bensetti’s ex learned she was pregnant… on the set of “Disappearance worrying”. “We start filming and I find out I’m pregnant. When I told him (to director Arnauld Mercadier, editor’s note)once everything was set up, everything was shot, he was so moved, so happy. He said to me: ‘It’s not possible, it’s like I had a vision and I really felt that it was for you.“Hoping that this great announcement will have a nice effect on the audiences.


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