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Anouk Meunier is severely criticized by fans of Masked Singers

The show Masked singers presented the 4th episode of its new season on TVA on Sunday and it was ultimately Marthe Laverdière who was in the famous costume of Baby Mammoth ! Unfortunately, Anouk Meunier is currently receiving harsh criticism from many Internet users over the past few hours.

What a magical evening Sunday evening at Masked singers while Baby Mammoth, Betty Bet, the Rhino et Miss Corn clashed at the start of the duels.

It is finally Baby Mammoth who is shown the exit door and it is the unique Marthe Laverdière who was under this magnificent pink costume.

Masked singers
Masked singers

Marthe joins Jacques L’Heureux, Gino Chouinard and Marc-André Coallier among the unmasked of season 4.

During the episode, a moment that caught the attention was when Sam Breton launched an arrow in the direction of his good friend Stéphane Rousseau and the latter quickly began to smile upon hearing the words of his colleague investigating judge.

Masked singers
Masked singers

Unfortunately, however, there is a much less funny situation concerning Anouk Meunier.

In recent hours, comments have exploded on social media and several Internet users have attacked the host because of the outfit she wore.

Some judges that her look was unacceptable for a show like Masked singerswhile others do not hesitate to come to his defense.

@bertexertier / via Masked Singers Instagram
@bertexertier / via Masked Singers Instagram

We’ll spare you some gratuitous and terribly nasty comments regarding Anouk’s weight.

Someone named Nora comments: “ Anouk is not an outfit for this kind of show! ».

Masked singers

Then, Solange specifies “ must say that it was recorded this summer it was very hot she can wear it so much the better for her ».

Masked singers

Johanne thinks that this outfit is not a good example for young girls. She writes “ Is this an example of dressing this way for our young girls? She’s the size of a model but a little more classy than I’m used to seeing her… ».

Masked singers

Renee says “ She simply hasn’t realized that she’s no longer hosting a red carpet premiere. She likes this style and wears it well but she overdoes it for this variety. I won’t change jobs because of Anouk because I like Masked Singers ».

Masked singers

For her part, Pierrette accepts Anouk as she is. She makes people react every Sunday, daring woman. The more we complain, it doesn’t matter. I accept her as she is… ».

Masked singers

finds this to be a bad choice, and Claire also seems to go in the same direction by writing “ She likes what she’s wearing but that doesn’t mean it looks good on her ».

Masked singers

Personally, I think Anouk looked magnificent with this outfit! What do you think?


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