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in front of Maison Gainsbourg in , fans fear a possible closure


Thibault Nadal

Published on

Oct 6, 2024 at 3:24 p.m.

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The atmosphere was heavy this Sunday, October 6, 2024, in front of Serge Gainsbourg’s house, located at 5 bis rue de Verneuilin the 5th arrondissement of Paris. And it wasn’t just because of the gloomy weather in the capital’s skies.

In recent weeks, fans of the legendary singer have learned that “Maison Gainsbourg” (the house and its museum) has been placed in receivership by the Paris commercial court due to a conflict between his daughter Charlotte and her partner. , Dominique Dutreix.

“I would be disappointed”

When he heard the news, Thierry was ” disappointed “. “I said to myself, ‘It opened barely a year ago, that’s crazy.’ Coming from the North with his wife to see friends, the couple had already planned to go there before the terrible announcement, but this visit necessarily had a different flavor. “ It’s moving to imagine that all this could no longer exist. A place dedicated to his memory is important for the French.”

When you like Serge Gainsbourg, it’s definitely a must-visit place. It has become a place of meditation.

Visitor to the Maison Gainsbourg

Among all visitors questioned by Paris newsone word came up each time: ” heritage “. Proof of the trace left by Serge Gainsbourg, died more than 33 years agobut who has marked several generations of French people with his music obviously, but also his unique personality. “It’s still a monument, a major artist,” confides Benoît, who came from Val-de- with his partner, Rachel, and was “delighted” at the end of his visit. “We are happy to have had our seats before all these problems,” admits this big fan of the singer.

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Laurence was not able to visit Serge Gainsbourg’s house this Sunday morning, but only the museum. From now on, she “crosses her fingers” that this end “Parisian heritage” is not closing its doors quickly, because it “intends to come there in 2025”.

In addition to the singer’s house, a museum has been set up at 14 rue de Verneuil retracing the life and career of the artist, a bookstore-boutique and the famous “Gainsbarre”. (©TN / actu Paris)

A closure not on the agenda

But let Laurence be reassured. A closure of the premises is not on the agenda. “ There is no reason for the museum and the house to closewe remain open and we will continue to develop,” assured AFP Lorraine Dauchez, the president of Arteum, the company mandated to manage these two places.

Speaking to AFP, Me Jean Aittouares even affirmed that “ the company is profitable »but that it “has accumulated old debt linked to its start-up and it cannot cope with this debt in the short term”.

To get there, you will have to be patient, since no more places are available to visit the artist’s house until December 31. “Reservations for 2025 will open this fall”we can read on the Maison Gainsbourg website.

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