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Nathalie Simard and Gino Chouinard almost became a couple!

But the show took an unexpected turn when Gino revealed a surprising detail: Nathalie and he almost formed a couple in the past!

“You know how she and I almost dated before?» he said, leaving the hosts Julie Bélanger et Jean-Michel Anctil speechless.

With humor, Nathalie confirmed the story: “It’s true! I just made the wrong choice, damn!“, she said, rolling her eyes.

She was referring to a very distant time, in 1989, when they rubbed shoulders in the world of television. At that time, Nathalie was already shining in the spotlight, while Gino was just starting his career.

«It was at the time of Double Défi, in 1989. I was just starting out on television, while Nathalie was already a star. A colleague of mine was hovering around her, and I… well, I’m sure my dad would have been proud of me. I’ll say it like that. For my part, I was a little more discreet. But the other candidate was much more demonstrative than me towards Nathalie. So, here’s the story: every time Nathalie and I cross paths, we remember that we could have been a couple!“, he concluded Gino.

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