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The series almost became more scandalous but an actress rebelled

In the late 1990s, the cult science fiction series Stargate SG-1 almost took a very different turn from the one we know today. But one star of the series objected.

When we talk about science fiction, we immediately think of the emblematic series of the genre: Stargate SG-1. At the end of the 1990s, the program became popular by being broadcast on the small screen. Over the years, the series created by Brad Wright and Jonathan Glassner has enjoyed phenomenal success. The seasons follow one another and the adventures of the protagonists fascinate young and old alike. But as is often the case, all good things must come to an end! During the 2000s, fiction ran out of steam and viewers’ enthusiasm gradually diminished. In 2009, when the broadcast of the program had ended two years earlier, an emblematic actress from Stargate SG-1 revealed that the series was almost aimed at an adult and informed audience!

Stargate SG-1 : how did an actress allow the series to appeal to all audiences?

And Stargate SG-1 is considered a family series, in 2009, Amanda Tapping, aka Samantha Carter, revealed that the series narrowly avoided the “adult” categorization. During an interview given to MovieHolethe actress recalled her first fittings and one of the requests from executive producer Rob Cooper. “[On m’a demandé] to put on a push-up bra and a tiny tank top. I said to myself: ‘Oh my God, they picked the wrong person.’ I don’t do that and this character isn’t like that. If they wanted a blonde with huge tits, they definitely had the wrong person, she declared. Even if this situation particularly destabilized her, Amanda Tapping did not comply with the request of the executive producer, sticking to her positions: “No, I can’t do it!

Amanda Tapping (Stargate SG-1) supported by the film crew

If Amanda Tapping won her case, it is partly because she was able to defend her vision of the character of Samantha Carter while respecting her limits, but also thanks to the support of certain members of the film crew. Fully aware that this request did not come from the creators of Stargate SG-1who were also destabilized by the situation, the actress confided during her interview: “Different people made this decision, but I panicked.“Before adding:”I guess Christina McQuarrie [la créatrice de costumes, ndlr] went to see them to tell them: ‘She’s uncomfortable. That’s not what the character represents to her. Maybe you can explain to her why you want this incredibly strong and fiery woman to be [représentée] Thus.’ And they finally answered: ‘Don’t worry, it’s not worth it anymore.'”

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.


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