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why doesn’t she mention Michel Blanc in her interview “Vivement Dimanche”?

The death of Michel Blanc was one of the most unexpected bad news of the week. The actor died last Thursday, at the age of 72, after a heart attack caused by anaphylactic shock. This serious allergic reaction, which was fatal in the case of Michel Blanc, would have been linked to the injection ofa contrast productas part of a medical examination. And yesterday morning, the world of cinema woke up in mourning.

Many personalities immediately paid tribute to Michel Blanc, who had become famous for having performed Jean-Claude Dusse in the film series Tanned. Some stars are very close to the actor, like Marie-Anne Chazel. This former member of the troupe Splendid must also be expressed in the show Looking forward to Sunday. However, his interview will not deal with Michel Blanc. For what ?

Marie-Anne Chazel will not talk about Michel Blanc during her intervention on the show Looking forward to Sunday

Marie-Anne Chazel’s intervention in the show Looking forward to Sundayby Michel Drucker, the week of Michel Blanc’s death is a coincidence. This interview had in fact been planned for much longer. Of course, as Michel Drucker announced in the 1 p.m. of 2 yesterday morning, its next edition of Looking forward to Sunday will pay tribute to the actor Tanned.

However, the death of Michel Blanc will not be the subject ofnormal treatment. “We are going to dedicate this show to him with a few photos that evoke his career in a few seconds before the show”detailed the presenter on France 2. On the other hand, Marie-Anne Chazel will not mention Michel Blanc during his interview with Michel Drucker. For good reason, the interview has already been recorded last tuesday and is not transmitted live.

The interview with Marie-Anne Chazel was recorded before the death of Michel Blanc

At the time of the recording of the interview between Marie-Anne Chazel and Michel Drucker, Michel Blanc was therefore still alive. This is why no tribute will be paid to her by the actress from the Splendid troupe in the next show Looking forward to Sunday. This coincidence really surprised Michel Drucker himself.

“Look how premonitory it is… I’m hosting Marie-Anne Chazel on Sunday, and the show was recorded on Tuesday”he spoke on France 2. “We won’t be able to talk about him with Marie-Anne Chazel, but it’s good that she’s on this show”he still admitted. Viewers should therefore not be shocked by the silence of Marie-Anne Chazel as for Michel Blanc.

Certainly, Michel Drucker managed to adapt his next episode of Looking forward to Sunday to pay tribute to Michel Blanc. On the other hand, he was not able to redo the interview with Marie-Anne Chazel. This did not prevent the actress from having a thought for the former interpreter of Jean-Claude Dusse. She dedicated the performance of the play to him Talk to me about lovewhich she is currently playing at Michodière Theaterin .


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