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Princess Charlotte is 9 years old: Kate and William reveal a new and resplendent photo

This May 2, 2024, Princess Charlotte celebrates her ninth birthday. The daughter of Prince William and Kate Middleton will then celebrate this new year as it should be, alongside her parents and her two brothers. And to highlight the pretty princess for this special day, the Prince and Princess of Wales have decided to reveal a rare photo of their daughter.

It was on Instagram that Charlotte’s pretty face was revealed. We can then see her wearing a denim skirt, over thick tights, with a navy blue sweater and a burgundy cardigan. Charlotte displays a splendid smile.

Princess Charlotte smiling

In the caption of the photo, it is written: “Happy 9th birthday, Princess Charlotte! Thank you for all the kind messages today”. And the photographer of this magnificent photo is none other than Kate Middleton, her mother. A photo that warms the hearts of all British people who can see the little girl’s magnificent smile. The princess will thus be able to meet her brothers to celebrate her birthday.

Besides, will Kate Middleton, her mother, feel fit enough to make her daughter’s birthday cake? Every year, the Princess of Wales makes a delicious dessert herself for her children’s birthdays. “I love making cakes. I usually stay up until midnight. with ridiculous amounts of preparation and frosting on my hands, but I love it,” she said on television in 2019. But this year, Kate Middleton could have a lot of trouble making these cakes.

Will Kate Middleton bake her daughter’s birthday cake herself?

In fact, for several months, she has been fighting cancer. “The medical team therefore advised me to follow preventive chemotherapy and I am now at the start of this treatment. This was of course a huge shock, and William and I did everything we could to absorb and deal privately, for the well-being of our young family.” she said in a video.

Since then, Kate Middleton has not appeared in public. She is resting alongside her husband and three children.


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