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“I fought to get there”: after selling fruit and vegetables, here is the crazy challenge of Fabio, Belgian comedian protégé of Nawell Madani

Generous, sensitive and popular, Fabio Allibrio is inspired by the madness of a Roman Frayssinet, the writing of a Haroun or even and above all the Jamel Comedy Club with which he took “a big slap” at 14 years old. “I said to myself: you can make a living making people laugh, it’s wonderful.” Before taking on the legendary Royal Circus of Brussels in a year with “À l’italienne” (tickets on his site), the 32-year-old comedian who loves exaggeration – his wife even says he laughs in his sleep – tells us about his journey. “I always dreamed of doing the stage. I started dancing at 8 years old. And from dancing, I moved on to painting at Saint-Luc. Nothing to do with it but always in an artistic environment where I could express myself I did a few galleries and so basically, I am a painter and visual artist and from there, because of being funny in class, a friend said to me: ‘Come do some improv. with me’. I then registered with the FBIA (Belgian Federation of Amateur Improvisation) where I did a few improv matches which really appealed to me.”

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It clicked for this Belgian of Sicilian origin who then wanted to become an actor and did the IAD (Institute of Broadcasting Arts). “I got thrown out (smile)! But it doesn’t matter. From there, I said to myself: ‘We don’t really need school.’ It’s all about feeling it. You go on stage. You’re having trouble. And it’s important to take heart. From there, we went through the first competitions (Next Prince of Comedy), and first scenes at Collectif YouRire, at What the Fun (he’s part of the stand-up tourEditor’s note), King’s of Comedy, Comedy Ket, etc. And, today, the Royal Circus!”

Would this be revenge on life?

“There is a spirit of revenge but above all there is a spirit of love. My life is there, in fact. The only time I feel good is on stage. Because that’s the moment when we can forget everything and be in communion with others. That’s what I like, bringing people from all walks of life together in the same place… I think that’s my greatest success!”

Can you really make a living from your job as a comedian?

“Yes, I really make a living from it! I fought to get to this Royal Circus. I sold fruit and vegetables for 2 years. During Covid, we could no longer go on stage. I was looking for status as a artist but, in the meantime, I bought a house So you have to work and get out of your way in the morning. I got up at 5 a.m. and sometimes I finished at 7 p.m. I came home, took a shower and went on stage Today, I’m making a living because… thank you Belgium! It still helps, we’re not going to lie. status allowed me to have time to write, create and be on stage!”

How did you end up finding your “clown”?

“By hard work, precisely. From the moment we are on stage every night. And even when I was not on set, I went there to see, to be inspired by others and to understand what it happens in the middle. So I find my clown gradually. It’s a clown who evolves all the time. Because I’m a bit of a chameleon. but in any case I find my real man, something that represents me.”

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Italian humor like the name of the show?

“Yes. He’s talking about this guy who is Italian in Belgium (it is dedicated to his mother, Editor’s note). Because it’s not just about Italy. For an hour and a half, that would be ridiculous! My goal is to bring people together so I’m not going to stay stuck in the cliché of the Italians. Me, no matter your origin, your social class, your political demands, I want that for one evening, we forget all that, we laugh, we are together. It’s a show called Italian because it’s about the Mediterranean, we’re in exaggeration (smile) ! But I talk as much about Albanians as about Arabs, it’s a show that exudes Brussels but with this Italianness which is my person on stage. My goal is for people to laugh together, make love when they come home and for there to be a baby boom thanks to me and for everyone to call him Fabio (smile) !”

Fabio poses with his coffee pot tattoo, a nod to the show. “The symbolism of coffee is very strong. My show is a coffee break between the public and me. We remake the world around a coffee, we get together. Besides, we are going to distribute coffee at the Cirque Royal (smile) !” ©Bernard Demoulin

Validated by Nawell Madani: “Fabio is the future of stand-up”

Fabio is the future of stand-upsaid the humorist Nawell Madani. He’s ready. He’s good. He has all the equipment to fuck everything. He touched me with his story. He is straight and he is talented. He’s a funny, sincere and hard-working person.” Fabio does not hide his pride in the words of the Belgian stand-up star. He looks back on this meeting that changed his life. “Nawell opened his Comedy Club in Brussels, Le Nouvel Act. And she invited all the comedians to come for the premiere, even if we weren’t performing. There were two rooms and the artists from the big stage had to go to the small one. So they had to cross paths except that at some point, there is always a bug. And I was in the right place at the right time. That is to say, there is Sarah Vanel, from the Made in Brussels Show, who catches me in the corridor with Nawell Madani: ‘you, you’re an artist, you go on stage’. And Nawell then said to me: ‘How much time do you have?'” Fabio replies: “Um, I have a one-hour show… I go up and she says to me: ‘As long as I’m not here, you continue!’ And I’m the only one who, instead of doing 8 minutes, did 18. That evening, I had the chance to make an impression. And especially that of Nawel Madani who made me go play in , at the Théâtre du Châtelet in front of 2,000 people and do 21 Parisian comedy clubs in three days. I saw how hardworking Nawell was. A monster of work and you really learn.” And to conclude with this sentence that she said to him and which inspires him “of phew”: “AToday I have to be funnier than a meme so I have to constantly renew myself.”

David Castello-Lopes: from journalist to big-money comedian

“Like any Italian, I like exaggeration. You can make a mountain out of a little stupidity!” Fabio Allibrio. Belgian comedian Fabio, originally from Sicily, will try to fill the Royal Circus in Brussels in exactly one year, on September 18, 2025, with his show. Italian style ©Bernard Demoulin

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