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These direct words from Brigitte Bardot about Alain Delon during their first meeting

Before being extremely close friends, Brigitte Bardot and Alain Delon were a bit like cats and dogs. The proof, the actress who celebrates her 90th birthday on September 28, 2024, had pronounced a (very) dry sentence about Alain Delon whose beauty she compared… to that of a Louis XVI chest of drawers!

In his work Unforgettable BBBrigitte Bardot – who celebrates her 90th birthday on September 28, 2024 – spoke of her somewhat cold meeting with Alain Delon, a little before the start of filming of Sam Lévin’s series The most beautiful kisses in the world.Alain is handsome, of course. But so does the Louis XVI chest of drawers in my living room! And I don’t communicate with my dresser any more than I do with Alain! Nothing happens in this face, in these eyes, nothing that moves, nothing that attracts, nothing that could make one believe in a semblance of truth, of feeling, of passion.” she indicated coldly. But very quickly, a very strong friendship was forged between the two stars of French cinema who met in 1958 at Studio Harcourt.

I was just starting out, Brigitte was already older than me and we made this series of photos which went around the world. (…) Brigitte has always followed me, always helped me, always advised me, it’s true. I was lucky enough to live in Madrague, yes” said the father of Alain Fabien, Anthony and Anouchka in the show You can’t please everyone. “In the raking shed” BB added with humor. More seriously, she continued: “I’ll tell you it goes beyond career. It’s a friendship that will last until we die. We have something in common. I don’t know what, but who binds us“.


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