DayFR Euro

“Being the greatest m…

On the occasion of his first anniversary in “Les 12 coups de midi”, the champion Emilien agreed to confide in Télé Star. His beginnings of adventure, the suspicions of favoritism, his future on TF1, his private life.. . He tells us everything!

Télé Star: You have just celebrated your first anniversary in “Les 12 coups de midi”. Could you have imagined getting this far?

Emilien: No way ! Even in my dreams, I couldn’t have believed it. I am completely overwhelmed by events and what is happening because that was never the goal.

What was it at the start?

I’m a gamer, I love it. During my first visit I simply told myself that I wanted to do a second show. And over time, the objective remained the same: that of making the next show. Each time I go through all the stages of the game so I have a chance of failing, being there the next day is already ambitious.

How did this adventure start for you?

I registered for the first time at 18 but the castings ended in refusal. At the beginning of the year, it was my grandmother who is a big fan of “12 shots” who said to me ‘Why don’t you try again?’. I followed what she told me and here I am today. The first time I don’t really know why I was put aside but I think I had to be comfortable speaking and that’s a level of comfort that I didn’t necessarily have. So it’s not any worse because I gained experience outside before coming back.

Also read > Les 12 coups de midi: Emilien very moved upon discovering Zette’s surprise for her first birthday on the show

Did this adventure allow you to learn more about yourself?

I don’t know… In all cases I worked a lot, even in areas that didn’t interest me and about which I knew nothing like cinema.

You have become the greatest master of noon. What does this title represent in your eyes?

It doesn’t change anything for me. Each master of midday makes his journey independently of those who came before him. We are actually fighting against ourselves and the candidates of the day. Doing a longer course than another midday master is not a goal for me, it doesn’t make me happier.

Your journey makes some people proud but annoys others. How do you deal with criticism?

Everyone has the right to think what they want… When I arrived on the show I was warned that I could face it and that it was better that I avoid reading everything that said to himself. So I don’t spend too much time on it.

You are accused of being favored by production to go far. Do these remarks seem legitimate to you?

I don’t ask myself any questions about that. When I come, I answer the questions people ask me. That’s the only thing happening at that level.

You have been approached by competition, notably 2 since your success. Does this prospect make you want to leave TF1?

For the moment I am not there. I’m doing my journey in the “12 shots” and it’s something that I really like. Future projects, I will think about them later but I don’t close any doors.

It is said that you could be recruited by TF1 after your defeat to write general knowledge questions for the game…

It’s something that was mentioned in a joking tone but why not. I would really enjoy working on the show. I focus on my journey and devote all my time to it. For the moment I can’t think of anything else.

Your daily life has been turned upside down for a year. Is it easy to live with?

It’s a rhythm that is very particular. I know it won’t be forever… Every day it’s just a lot of fun and that’s what matters most.

Does the prospect of returning to real life scare you?

Not really, between filming I find my loved ones and go home. So I’m still there in parallel.

Does a career like that of Paul El Kharrat make you dream or would you like to lead a life far from the media?

I don’t think about it. I’m focusing on the game and for the rest we’ll see…

You are now a millionaire at 21 years old. Doesn’t that make you dizzy?

I have a lot of trouble realizing what that represents. I don’t know how dizzy I am, but it’s dizzying…

You always say that you don’t yet think about how to spend your winnings but can we really believe you?

This is still the case. As for winnings and their management, I will think about it later when I have time.

Aren’t you afraid that your now notoriety will influence your intimate relationships?

No, I am well surrounded. I don’t have any problems at this level. My girlfriend, for example, is very proud of me, she is also discovering a world that she did not know. When I go out we will enjoy the gifts together.

Would you be ready to leave the game and give up your place?

I really like acting and I’ve been watching the program since I was little, so out of love and respect, I want to continue as long as possible. I won’t stop if I need to, but I love playing too much to stop.

A final word on your relationship with Jean-Luc Reichmann…

He’s a very nice person. We can contact him outside if we need and he is available, it’s very nice of him.


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