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Laëtitia Servières (Large families) reveals having had a miscarriage

Revealed to the public through their participation in Large families: life in XXLLaëtitia and Sébastien Servières are parents of nine children, the youngest of whom, Loëvann, was born in July 2022. Despite her departure from the TF1 docu-reality, the young mother continues to share her daily life on Instagram, where she reveals her moments of family happiness and does not hesitate to talk about his health problems linked to his epilepsy. For several months, Laëtitia Servières has been causing concern among her subscribers due to her long absence on social networks. This Friday, September 27, the mother came out of silence to announce sad news to her community.

Laëtitia Servières (Large families) reveals she had a miscarriage

In a long message published on her Instagram account, Laëtitia Servières reveals that she became pregnant and lost her baby. “One day in July, this dreaded test turned positive. I’m pregnant! Massive blow! Everything is rushing through our heads. We don’t see ourselves having an abortion and yet we think about it… We’ve been going through complicated times for some time and that’s just added to it. As if there weren’t enough!”she begins. After several long moments of reflection, Laëtitia Servières finally decided to continue her pregnancy. “This choice of abortion is impossible for us, we decide to keep this little baby, hoping that everything goes well in several areas. Once the choice is made, how much weight less, we are relieved. We begin to plan ahead , to imagine our future life with this little baby. Unfortunately, when we arrived on vacation, I started losing bloodcontinues the mother.

Laëtitia Servières (Large families) expresses her grief after her miscarriage

Then eleven weeks pregnant, Laëtitia Servières urgently consulted a gynecologist. He tells us that it is a clear egg. We are all upset, sad”says the young woman, who had to face another terrible experience. “I see the gynecologist again on the day that was supposed to be the day of my first ultrasound to check if the uterus is empty. Of course not, otherwise it’s too simple! There are 4.5 cm left of pocket, an emergency curettage must be done, I risk bleeding at any time and an infection. […] Less than 2 days later, the intervention is carried out”remembers Laëtitia Servières with sadness. Even though this pregnancy was not wanted and we hesitated for a long time, we are sad because we had time to plan […] Often our pain is minimized during miscarriages. In my case, the most common thought would be: ‘How are you ! You already have 9!’ Yes, it’s true, and I realize how lucky I am. But that doesn’t stop each pregnancy and each child from being unique.”she writes. And to conclude: “Having pain is legitimate. Like feeling pain during an abortion. It is a very difficult act and choice to make, morally and emotionally harsh, it is not out of the goodness of your heart (your choice is the right choice for you).”


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