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“If she wants to be a garbage collector…”, Camille Lellouche already worried about her daughter’s future, what the nursery teams revealed to her

This Saturday noon, Camille Lellouche will be the guest of Bernard Montiel on RFM. Comedian, actress or even singer who needs no introduction, you probably know that Slimane’s accomplice has become the mother ofa little Alma a little less than two years ago.

As she says, becoming a mother has calmed his own anxieties. On the other hand, like all other parents, Camille Lellouche wonders about her daughter’s future. Before discovering the full interview, Bernard Montiel published an excerpt on Instagram.

Camille Lellouche stars in a new comedy

Camille Lellouche has been starring in the comedy since September 25 The lucky one. For the occasion, the artist continues interviews to promote Frank Bellocq’s new film. Alongside him, spectators can find other big names in French cinema like Gérard Darmon or Michèle Laroque.

While the comedy gradually convinces spectators in theaters, Camille Lellouche will be this Saturday noon, invited in the radio show “An hour withon RFM. To make listeners wait, Cyril Hanouna’s columnist revealed an extract from the passage from the interview with Camille Lellouche on social networks.

Of course, during this interview, the young woman spoke about her role in The lucky onebut also his personal life. Questioned by Bernard Montiel on the motherhood she knows for almost two years now, Camille confided without filter about his little Alma.

The anxieties of Camille Lellouche

Like many other parents, Camille Lellouche is worried about her daughter’s future. In addition, the little girl who will soon celebrate her second birthday would already have a strong character. On this subject, the young mother declared: “You see her, She fines me straight away. I don’t want to tell her but she wins. I know I’m in trouble, I’m going to die. I know that everything that is teenage crisis, it’s going to be a hassle.”

Before continuing about his future: “I think thatshe has an artistic streakshe has a visual and auditory memory… She already has something of a musician. But hey, she’ll do what she wants. If she wants to be a garbage collector, a plumber, baker or artist. She’ll do what she wants, just work.” This is clear, but also very touching. Being parents is not easy, and Camille Lellouche knows something about it!


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