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Private life, CNews, Bernard-Henri Lévy, money, origins… Everything you need to know about the journalist

For several years, Élisabeth Lévy has been a regular columnist in Pascal Praud’s very controversial show: “L’heure des pros”, on CNews. Here are its secrets.

Élisabeth Lévy is famous for her cheeky voice and her clear-cut positions, particularly on secularism, Islam, immigration and even wokism… Here is everything you need to know about the divisive journalist who founded and directs the magazine Talker and who can be found as a columnist on CNews alongside Pascal Praud.

What are the origins of Élisabeth Lévy?

Élisabeth Lévy was born on February 16, 1964, in . His parents are Sephardic Jews from Algeria who settled in Morocco, we can read in The World. Her mother was a pharmacist”cool” And “limply left“, she described in Release a few years ago. His father was a general practitioner, stricter and more observant of the rules of religion. He “wears beard and hat, and imposes Shabbat and kosher cooking on the family“, we read in The World in 2013.

The polemicist spent her childhood in the suburbs, in Épinay-sur-Seine. Like Eric Zemmour, she became a journalist after failing the ENA competition. Although she is now classified as very right-wing, she nevertheless voted for the socialist François Mitterrand in 1988.

Is Élisabeth Lévy from the same family as Bernard-Henri Lévy?

No, despite the same surname, Elisabeth Lévy and BHL are not from the same family and do not have the same opinions. The two personalities have often opposed each other on TV sets, including one time when the tone became particularly heated in Critical Week on 2. The philosopher defended his friend Bernard Kouchner under fire from criticism and the polemicist fell on him…

What do we know about the private life of Élisabeth Lévy?

Guest of Jordan de Luxe on C8 in 2023, the presenter tried to find out a little more about the private life of Elisabeth Lévy but was left scrambling. “I am against the exhibition of intimacy. (…) And what’s more, it doesn’t interest the public“, she said. But the host is not the type to give up, especially when it comes to intimate life, so he insisted. “In fact, I say marital status, that is to say, I am not married and I have no children. The rest is none of your business and you won’t know anything!” she agreed to say.

How much does Elisabeth Lévy earn?

Columnist on CNews, director of a newspaper… Elisabeth Lévy combines activities, but does this allow her to live comfortably? She responded without tongue in cheek about her salary for Professional Time. “250 euros per issue“, she said to Jordan de Luxe.

When asked whether this will allow her to receive a suitable retirement, the 60-year-old journalist did not give a precise amount. “It depends on what you call ‘comfortable’“She could count on.”a little less” of 3000 euros, she ended up confirming.


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