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Patrick Préjean returns to the disappearance of Marion Game in C à vous (VIDEO)

Huguette and Raymond formed the most emblematic couple of Scènes de households on M6. But with the death of actress Marion Game on March 23, 2023, the series had to reinvent itself. For her fictional husband, Gérard Hernandez, this tragic news was very difficult. The actor even thought about no longer filming in the comedy series, but he finally returned to filming to reprise his role of Raymond in new sketches.

A new duo in Household Scenes

Since the launch of the new season on M6 on August 28, Gérard Hernandez has stood out alongside his new neighbor, played by Patrick Préjean. The latter told us in an interview about this new role: “At first, when I was contacted, Marion was convalescing and everyone believed that she was going to come back. So I was a character who arrived in the couple’s life. And then, there was this catastrophe. But I’m not replacing Marion, that’s another story.”

Patrick Préjean: “I found it very decent”

This Thursday, September 26, Patrick Préjean was the guest of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine in C to you. On this occasion, Gérard Hernandez recorded a short message for him. A funny sequence between these two recognized dubbing actors, Gérard Hernandez having dubbed Papa Smurf and Patrick Préjean, Tigger. “It’s a bit thanks to Gérard that you are now in Scènes deménage“, then continued the host of 5. “Yes, yes, he was the one who had to mention my name to the production“, conceded the 80-year-old actor.

And Patrick Préjean welcomes the angle found by the production to give a second wind after the disappearance of Marion Game: “I think that my character, after the disappearance of our friend Marion Game, it was a very good idea from the producers to create other situations with groups of friends. I found it very decent“.”Elegant” added Pierre Lescure, present around the table.


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