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Leïla Bekhti, 40 years old, in conflict with her family? “I gave a lot…

By François R

– Published on Sep 26, 2024 at 4:12 p.m.

Leïla Bekhti is a talented actress. She, married to Tahar Rahim, also an actor, is very discreet about her private life and her family life. Sometimes, she opens up a little more, evoking in particular her siblings who allow her to keep her feet on Earth.

Leïla Bekhti was revealed in French cinema in the mid-2000s. First in horror comedy Sheitan then into the girly All that glitters. She gleans a Caesar of the best female hopeful for the latter. Two decades later, she is one of the leading actresses in . Married to Tahar Rahim, he also very bankableshe keeps her private life in complete discretion. In an interview, she talks about her siblings who help her to keep her foot on Earth and not get a big head.

Leïla Bekhti: from revelation to star of French cinema

In 2005, Sheitanfirst feature film by Kim Chapiron, ex-Kourtrajmemarked by its radicalism and its inspirations. In the film, inhabited by a Vincent Cassel crazy, two actresses stand out from the crowd. Roxane Mesquida, first, who will make a career in the United States. Then Leïla Bekhti. Three years later, she appeared in A Prophet by Jacques Audiard.

At the beginning of the 2010s, Leïla Bekhti appeared in Everything that glitters. Une comedy, another, of another genre, in which she shares the bill with her great friend Géraldine Nakache. She won the César for Most Promising Actress for this one. His career was launched into orbit. In two decades, she has become a star of French cinema.

Leïla Bekhti, her discreet couple with Tahar Rahim

On the set ofA ProphetLeïla Bekhti meets Tahar Rahim, then a new rising star of French cinema. The latter becomes her lover, then her husband and finally the father of her four children. However, in the film, the two do not play a couple. Well, not at first.

The actress preserves her private life, rarely speaking in interviews about her relationship or parenthood. In 2020, Leïla Bekhti and Tahar Rahim find themselves reunited again in the series The Eddy on Netflix. In the cinema, the couple separates, brilliantly pursuing their respective careers while protecting their little family.

Leïla Bekhti very cash on her links with her siblings

Leïla Bekhti comes from a family where siblings have very strong bonds. Even if she very rarely talks about her childhood, as she explains in the columns of the cinema magazine SoFilmits sister and his brother, elders, Amel And Slim mean a lot to her. The actress describes them as “pillars” in another interview given to Madame Figaro in 2011.

Even if, sometimes, brothers and sisters oblige, their relationships are all fire, all flame. Leïla Bekhti adds in Madame Figaro:If tomorrow I forget to answer a message they left on my answering machine, they will call me and ask me ‘But why don’t you answer, oh?Older brother and sister don’t seem to be impressed by his celebrity.

Leïla Bekhti continues: “If I tell them that I’m exhausted, that I was giving lots of interviews, they’ll tell me ‘Oh yeah, you’re exhausted from your acting job! Imagine that I am exhausted too. You’re not the only one working on this Earth.A very Bekhti way of consolidating family ties.


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