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Geneviève Everell, cover girl Wink: “It was on my wish list, to do a cover”

Geneviève Everell is an open book. For months, the head and heart woman behind the company Sushi à la maison has spoken without artifice in her stories Instagram “Dear Diary”. She discusses different aspects of her journey after learning, last January, that cancer had developed in her left breast.

In an interview for the important October-November pink issue, now on newsstands, she lends herself to the game of questions with great authenticity and spontaneity.

She tells us about the first time she ate sushi, in the winter of 2006: “I remember it precisely because in the summer of 2006, I started working in a sushi restaurant, and it changed my life.”

His first crush celebrity is Devon Sawa in the movie Casper. The businesswoman fell for “the little mushroom cut”.

Proud to finally be a cover girl, she admits that it was on her wish list to be on the cover of a magazine: “I really screamed when I found out. It was my best friend, who is also my general manager, who notified me of the email. She said to me, “Geneviève, are you seated?” because she knew I was really going to be honored.”

“I would have liked to do it in myself, that is to say with my long hair. But it’s like an honor to do it to momentarily represent all these women who share their bodies with illness,” she concludes.

Listen to Geneviève Everell’s full interview by clicking on the video above.

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