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the alleged hidden son of Abbé Pierre whom everyone took for crazy once again in the light

Jean-Christophe Ménétrier has insisted for several years that he is the son of Abbé Pierre. In 2007, he published his book entitled Abbot Pierre. At the time, he was hurt by criticism of him in the media. The man assured that he had been “assassinated in the media and taken for “a madman”. Convinced of being indeed the son of Abbé Pierre, Jean-Christophe Ménétrier had produced a DNA test in 2024. This turned out to be negative. But the recent accusations against the priest could shed new light on this matter. Born from a carnal adventure kept secret by the creator of Emmaus and the movement, he is more determined than ever. Mocked at the time, today he claims to be “liberated and convinced”.

He is convinced of being her hidden son

According to Le Progrés, the opening of the archives will represent an opportunity. This would involve analyzing elements of the past in light of the latest revelations about Abbé Pierre. From now on, Jean-Christophe Ménétrier denounces “the desire of the Emmaus Foundation to ‘make the inheritance disappear’ of Abbot Pierre. He sees a parallel with the erasure of his own existence.” While he presents himself as the hidden son and the fruit of adultery, he wants to make a new recognition of filiation. Moreover, he claims that the DNA test in 2004 was carried out in “questionable conditions”. It will be released soon (…)

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