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these love scenes with actor Théo Ch…

In Live, Die, Reborn, the new film by Gaël Morel, Victor Belmondo had some delicate scenes to shoot…

Victor Belmondo continues his rise in cinema. Alongside Théo Christine and Lou Lampros, the grandson of Jean-Paul Belmondo stands out in the film
Live, die, be rebornthe new film by Gaël Morel. This threesome love story takes place in the heart of the 90s, marked by the ravages of AIDS.

For this film, Victor Belmondo came out of beaten paths.
In the film, he notably shares love scenes with Théo Christine. As the actor revealed in the columns of Le Parisien, certain scenes were difficult to shoot.

“Gaël didn’t impose anything on us”

Despite some apprehensions, the 30-year-old actor agreed to take on the challenge: “I do this job to explore emotions, to get out of my comfort zone. But these sequences, we always apprehend them. I have known Theo for a long time. We met through mutual friends, so I told myself that we would be able to desecrate the moment”, he confided.

In addition, the director was very patient and attentive to the two actors: “Gaël told us how he wanted to shoot these scenes, and we discussed it a lot all three of what we agreed to do or not. He didn’t impose anything on us. The first time, with Théo, we were sweating, we were shaking, we could, and when Gael said ‘Cut!’, we looked into each other’s eyes and said: ‘It’s okay, actually!’. Afterwards we were trained, it was like action scenes”, he continued.

A powerful film for Victor Belmondo

Moreover, Victor Belmondo has very good memories of the filming: “I’m told that no one has ever seen me like that. It’s a film that will live with me all my lifehe explained in the columns of Télérama. And to continue: “I felt loved. For me and for my partners, Lou Lampros and Théo Christine, this shoot was a bubble of tenderness.” A warm atmosphere which helped to create the world of the feature film.

From the start, the actor was shocked by the scenario:
“Gaël wanted to show the beauty of youth. Life never stops, love never stops, that’s his message. That’s why his scenario moved mee”he declared. Playing gay love was obvious: “The film talks about all sexualities. And then, I’m not the most modest man of the Earth”he concluded.


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