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Bloc Québécois ultimatum: why not choose the immigration issue?

If the immigration issue greatly concerns Prime Minister François Legault, the leader of the Bloc Québécois judges that imposing an ultimatum on this subject was “an assurance of failure”, hence the choice of two other bills .

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Bloc leader Yves-François Blanchet on Wednesday imposed on Justin Trudeau’s Liberals to adopt the bills on supply management and old age pension before October 29.

Otherwise, the Bloc says it is ready to discuss with the opposition parties a motion of censure which could trigger federal elections.

“If the Bloc Québécois had issued an ultimatum on the basis of immigration, […] the NDP could very easily have voted with the Liberals,” explained Mr. Blanchet about his party’s choice.

“Taking immigration is an assurance of failure, but guaranteed the continuation of the Trudeau government until 2025. It was the completely opposite effect of what everyone pretends to want,” he underlined. in an interview with LCN, Thursday.

He also recalled that it took a vote to overthrow a government. However, no vote or bill is planned in the near future on the subject of immigration.

Regarding the deadline, Mr. Blanchet cannot judge whether the New Democratic Party (NDP) will follow the request or not.

“The NDP has no reason not to agree with us, these are progressive measures that increase the purchasing power of seniors,” he said.


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