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Queen Margrethe rests, King Frederik X at the wheel, Mary assumes the regency

“The King is on a private trip abroad this weekend.” This simple sentence from the Danish Court on September 20, 2024, immediately caused a reaction among Internet users. They wondered: where did he go? Did he head for Madrid? Thus reviving the rumors of the fall of 2023 that had affected King Frederik X of Denmark, then Crown Prince, and his wife Mary. However, the very next day, a photo of the sovereign appeared in the… German press. He was photographed alongside his cousin, Prince Gustav of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, and his wife, Princess Carina, at Berleburg Castle. Enough to silence the gossips.

A family and sporty weekend for the king. Indeed, the Röhrl-Klassik drivers are stopping off on 20 September in the courtyard of Prince Gustav’s residence. Dozens of people are also present for the occasion. Among the participants is Walter Röhrl. A true legend of German motorsport, the double world rally champion in 1980 and 1982 launched this event two years ago. “I get a particular pleasure from driving old cars, which appeal to me more today than new ones, because I feel like I’m in control of everything myself,” explains Walter Röhr in the programme for this 3rd edition. “It’s a real honour that such an important and well-organised event bears my name. The participants I spoke to during the first two editions were all enthusiastic and I certainly hope that it will be the same this time,” he adds.

Having parked his Porsche 911 S 2.7 Coupé in the courtyard, the driver talks to Prince Gustav and Princess Carina of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and King Frederik X of Denmark. The latter admires the bodywork of this model manufactured in 1975. At that time, Queen Margrethe’s eldest son was still playing with toy cars with his brother, Prince Joachim. The sovereign never hid his love of sport and beautiful engines. His passion for speed also caused him a few scares in his youth.

Queen Margrethe “keeps her spirits up”

Frederik in Germany for three days, who replaces him as head of state? His eldest son, Crown Prince Christian, is in East Africa, and his mother, Queen Margrethe, is convalescing, it is his wife Mary who ensures the regency. If she has been able to hold this role since 2019, this is the first time she has occupied it since her accession to the throne last January, recalls the Danish magazine Billed-Bladet. Frederik X’s visit also reassures about the health of his mother Margrethe. “King Frederik knows that if he starts cancelling things, people think it’s serious. There’s a signal in everything he does – and here the signal is that it’s not serious,” historian and author Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen tells the newspaper BT.

Read also >> Frederik X of Denmark gives news of his mother, Queen Margrethe

Hospitalized due to a fall, the former sovereign was released from the hospital this Friday and is resting at Fredensborg Palace. Suffering from a fracture of the left hand and affected at the level of the cervical vertebrae, Margrethe of Denmark must recover fully before being able to resume her official engagements, canceled until further notice. “Considering the circumstances, she is doing very well. I have had the opportunity to visit her several times since her return home. She is very relaxed and in good spirits,” her daughter-in-law, Queen Mary, told our colleagues at Billed-Bladetfollowing a trip, on September 23, to the Tivoli Hotel in Copenhagen.


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