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James Middleton Turned Down Opportunity Following Sister Kate’s Wedding

Following his sister Kate’s wedding, an American production company contacted James Middleton to offer him a role.

Kate’s brother James Middleton is currently promoting his book “Meet Ella: The Dog Who Saved My Life.” His memoir will be released on September 26. In an interview with the “Times of London,” Kate’s brother revealed that he almost starred on the silver screen.

At his sister’s wedding to Prince William in 2011, James Middleton read a text. A reading from the Bible that he performed during the ceremony at Westminster Abbey. After this reading, an American production company contacted him with the aim of convincing him to play the lead role in a film about his life. The fee? $1 million.

They even dared to ask me if any members of my extended family wanted to participate. ” he writes in his book. James Middleton explains in his memoir that he experienced this reading as an accomplishment in his life, he who was diagnosed with dyslexia as a child.

In his memoirs, James Middleton returns to his depression and the suicidal thoughts he experienced, but above all to the role of his dog in his recovery.

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