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This well-kept but so cute “little secret” that she just revealed to her community

Surprise! This Sunday, September 21, Iris Mittenaere surprised and delighted her community by sharing this “little secret” which she had been carefully guarding for a while.

Iris Mittenaere has not been idle since she won the crown of Miss 2016. After beauty pageants, the young woman turned to the small screen by hosting EuroMillions, The Lottery or even Ninja Warrior on TF1. Alongside her media career, the pretty brunette launched her sportswear brand, called IMII. A project that was particularly close to her heart, as she explained in an Instagram post. “I decided to create comfortable clothes that will accompany you every day… Specially created to highlight every exceptional being that you are and reveal your power.”

Iris Mittenaere has lifted the veil on this “little secret” that she kept preciously

Travel, looks, skin care… Iris Mittenaere willingly shows her daily life to her community, with the exception of this “little secret” she had well kept. This Sunday, September 22, the pretty brunette created a surprise by revealing the identity of the one who makes her heart skip a beat. And it’s not a man. In a short video posted on Instagram, we see the former beauty queen, hair down and without the slightest trace of makeup, looking tenderly… her new little puppy, a harlequin miniature dachshund. A piece of news that immediately made his little sister, Manon, react. “So happy to be an aunt for the second time”she wrote under the post. “He’s so cute”, “Yessssss so cool! You’ve been wanting a ball of fur near you for so long”, “What a cute face”one can also read among the many comments.

Iris Mittenaere: the over-mediatization of her relationship pushed her to preserve her private life

Since her breakup with Diego El Glaoui, Iris Mittenaere has made it a point of honor to protect her private life. Which is not easy when you are one of the personalities followed by the paparazzi. “There is no good option. In any case, it is the downside of fame. When you don’t reveal enough, you have the paparazzi at the foot of your building and it can be very difficult to live with. And on the other hand, when you open up too much, you have the impression of always having to give more.”she explained to Cinema TV Reviewspecifying that she has no regrets about the life she leads.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias


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