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Samuel Le Bihan opens up about his “bad career choices” in A Sunday in the Country

Present in the new salvo of guests ofA Sunday in the Countryside On September 22 on 2, Samuel Le Bihan was transparent about some of his career choices in front of Frédéric Lopez.

The faithful ofA Sunday in the Countryside must have been delighted! For the second week in a row, the testimonial show hosted by Frédéric Lopez was broadcast on France 2. In this new exclusive, viewers had the chance to discover chef Nina Métayer, performer Alain Chamfort and actor Samuel Le Bihan from a different angle. The latter was not stingy with confidences.. He notably returned to the origin of his scar, but also to some of his “bad” career choice.

I am ruined” : Samuel Le Bihan remembers his difficult beginnings with François-Xavier Demaison

A few moments before the happy band left, Frédéric Lopez wanted to return to the beginnings of the collaboration between Samuel Le Bihan and François-Xavier Demaison.We had such a laugh! Luckily we got through it“, smiled the interpreter of Alex Hugo. At that time, the latter was still working in finance, but was considering a career change as an actor. On the advice of his lawyer, Samuel Le Bihan went to see the young François-Xavier Demaison.”Carried away by enthusiasm, I am pushed into his dressing room. Caught up in the momentum, I tell him ‘if you want, I’ll produce for you“, he later recalled. Except he’s not a producer, and his young talent is even less of an actor.”We made all the mistakes!“, he continues. François-Xavier Demaison leaves his job, with dreams of Olympia.”We’re going to crash. I’m ruined.“, continues to describe the guest of the day. After these difficult beginnings, things finally take off two years later. They are at the Olympia.”We know what we’ve been through. We’ve been through it and we’ve made it through..”

I made bad choices” : Samuel Le Bihan justifies the turning point in his career in A Sunday in the Countryside

Following this context, Frédéric Lopez therefore questioned his guest’s career choices.It’s a time when I work less, the desire is a little gone. I made bad choices. Maybe I took the easy way out a little. I wanted popularity, I wanted success“, he conceded, having the necessary perspective to analyze the situation. Born into the media, the 58-year-old man did not want to fall back into anonymity.”As things had to be done, and money had to be found, I improvised as a producer, in NGOs, I went to do reports…“, he listed, specifying that he was then guided by the desire to take care of his reputation. It was finally France 3 which gave him back a taste for his main job.”It was more in the theater that I found a place, until Alex Hugo,” he concluded.


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