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“I’m going to miss you”, Jamy Gourmaud, his son Alex appears for the first time on TV, the host bursts into tears

Jamy Gourmaud is well known in the television world for his love of experiences and his great pedagogy. But, he left science aside to reveal his emotions during his passage in It’s the weekly. He actually lived a particularly moving moment during a surprise sequence concocted by Aurélie Casse.

The show’s journalist went all out. She showed him a photo of him as a child to start well, but also a video of one of his sons. He couldn’t hold back his tears…

Jamy Gourmaud overcome by a wave of emotion

Jamy Gourmaud is still smiling, but this time, it’s a completely different face that he shows us. With the journalist, they first discussed the photo of her 8 years and his beloved teacher of that year. “This is a year when I have a wonderful teacher. I have often spoken about this teacher with whom I still communicate.”, he admits before adding that he has some responsibility for his journey.

Then they moved on to the topic of thoughts your parents pass on to you and those that you pass on to your children. Since his two sons went towards scientific studiesJamy Gourmaud is surely no stranger to this choice!

This is when the journalist mentions Alex, one of his sons who is an engineer and who leaves “soon, far and long”. This one wanted to leave a message to his father that the journalist broadcast on the show. Even before listening to it, Jamy Gourmaud is already overcome with emotion: “Hello Dad, I have always been extremely proud of all your accomplishments and of all that you have transmitted to me and my brother.”

A declaration full of love on the set

Jamy Gourmaud’s son did not stop there in his statement. He added an even more touching message: “You are going extremely miss me for the 8 months to come, so I hug you very hard and i love you“. This is the first time that one of his sons has spoken on television, so Jamy Gourmaud couldn’t hold back a little tear in the corner of the eye. “It’s wonderful, it’s great”he said and added: “You shouldn’t be afraid to say I love you.”

To end on a touch of humor and close this emotional sequenceAurélie Casse chose to relax the atmosphere by asking an offbeat question, but which is in her book: “With or without underwear in bed?”. Between laughter and scientific explanations as always, Jamy Gourmaud, always in a good mood, answers: “It’s a lot too intimate“. Well no, you won’t know!


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