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Mélanie Gonzalez (Large Families) sends a very nice message after the birth of her daughter Calypso

A few days after giving birth to her ninth child, Mélanie Gonzalez de Large families: Life in XXLdelivered a touching message about motherhood.

Mélanie Gonzalez has been swimming in happiness for a few days. Indeed, on September 4, 2024, the one that TF1 viewers know well, since her participation in Large families: Life in XXLbecame a mother for the ninth time.Childbirth was beautiful”she assured her followers on Instagram shortly after giving birth to the little girl, explaining that no more than three hours passed between her first contractions and the birth of the baby.We present to you Calypso born this Saturday at 1:17 amshe weighed 3kg205 for 48 cm, everything went very well for baby and for mom“, she then announced in a publication where she proudly posed with her husband and their baby.

The lovely message from Mélanie Gonzalez (Large families) after the birth of her ninth child

This Thursday, September 19, 2024, Melanie Gonzalez spoke again in an Instagram story. The one who is seen with her youngest wanted to share with the rest of her community, a beautiful message about motherhood: “The mother’s duty does not end with childbirth, nor with breastfeeding, nor with marriage; no, the obligation of the true mother continues as long as she is alive.“, she wrote, feeling like a philosopher at the start of the school year.

Mélanie Gonzalez opens up about her return home after giving birth

After giving birth, the mother of a large family spoke about how she experienced returning home: “The arrival home went very well. I am happy to have left the hospital because even if it was very good there, it is true that we appreciate being at home, we appreciate having our bed, our comfort, our habits and especially having our little ones with us”, she had rejoiced. Mélanie Gonzalez had nevertheless let it be understood that the little Calypso could well be the last baby of the siblings: “This little ray of sunshine completes this magnificent adventure that is motherhood. Birth is an experience that demonstrates that life is not only function and utility, but also form and beauty.” she had slipped.


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