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“I especially hope that she…”: Sandra Lou on bad terms with Karine Ferri? She sets the record straight

This Wednesday, September 18, M6 kicked off the Golden Bachelor. A program that takes up the cult concept of the Bachelor but with older people. A few hours before this launch, while he received Sandra Lou on his set, Jordan De Luxe has therefore could not help but bring up the subject. “This is reheated. They tried everything with the Bachelors.“, the former bachelorette immediately launched.

And to qualify: “Nevertheless, where it is a very good ideais that men and women who have a second or even a third part of life have the right to this third part of life. It is not because we are older that we no longer have the right to love, that we no longer have the right to please, to seduce, etc. I think it is a very beautiful initiative.“And of course, while talking about the Bachelor, the host of Chez Jordan on C8 took the opportunity to approach the subject Karine Ferri who also participated in the M6 ​​reality TV show.

Are Sandra Lou and Karine Ferri on bad terms?

The opportunity to learn more about the relationship between the two women.We met at the Miss pageant. We were both 18. We were starting from nothing.
We were very good friends.“, begins Sandra Lou. But that now seems to be ancient history.”We haven’t spoken for a long time” she reveals.
Are they cold?I don’t know“, she swears. In any case, Sandra Lou had sent a message of congratulations and happiness to Karine Ferri after the birth of her first child, Maël, now eight years old.

I didn’t get a response. And I know I have the right number.“, says Sandra Lou who did not repeat the experience for the birth of Claudia and then Sasha. Nevertheless, Sandra Lou swears that they were never rivals. That this was blown out of proportion by journalists, drawing parallels between their two paths.”It hurts my heart
but on the other hand, I am so at peace with all of this. I am at peace with everyone and especially with Karine” assures Sandra Lou.

Sandra Lou: “Karine Ferri is not being exploited as she should be

As for the fact that Karine Ferri would have “stolen“her place on television, the latter believes that they were”on two rhythms“different in terms of career aspirations.”I knew that I wanted to succeed in my own way, quietly, without rushing things, without making false pretenses about certain things. After all, other people have different methods.” she says. A thinly veiled dig? In any case, Sandra Lou assures that Karine Ferri “is in its place and where it should be today and so much the better“. She simply believes that his colleague is not used to her full potential.

I think she’s not being used the way she should be used and that – she does what she wants – but I think that at some point saying: ‘Stop I deserve better’ is necessary in a career. For me, she’s not visible enough and not used enough as she should be“, she regrets. She herself felt under-exploited when she hosted the second part of the evening of Dancing with the Stars. It must be said that TF1 did not let her write or even modify the texts that she had to read on air. All she wants is for Karine Ferri not to experience the same thing as her.. “I especially hope that she writes her texts” she says in conclusion.


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