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Arthur puts the hangers back on…

On September 17, the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was discussed with Arthur in Quotidien. Very moved, the former star presenter of TF1 also took the opportunity to dot the “i’s”.

On September 17,
Arthur was the guest of Quotidien, on TMC
More serious than usual, the star presenter showed himself to be very concerned about the state of the world, and in particular the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has taken on an abominable scale since the Hamas attack against Israel on October 6, 2023, almost a year ago.

On set, the 58-year-old television presenter and producer said earlier “completely disillusioned”sometimes “full of hope” facing the future.
“This year, I don’t see much light at the end of the tunnel, like many people ” he regretted, also pointing out “the media, personalities, feminists” in whom he believed a lot to bring things to light but who in his eyes remained
“terribly quiet.”

Arthur very moved on the set of Quotidien: “There is no competition in empathy”

Deeply moved, Arthur recalled the staggering number of victims of this conflict. Very recently, two French hostages were massacred. And the TF1 star presenter figured that we did not know their name. He recalled, however, that there was a time when the names of French hostages held in a country were displayed at the start of news reports.

“After the situation in Gaza also worries the French a lot” tempered Yann Barthès. “Of course. There is no competition for empathy. The situation in Gaza horrifies me as much as what happened on October 7. I mourn a Palestinian child in the same way as a Jewish child.”retorted the guest.

“I find it inappropriate to ask the question.”

Definitely not wishing to make any differences on the scale of pain, the one who succeeds Jean-Pierre Foucault in Who wants to be a millionaire? clarified that, for him, the question of which side one was on was not legitimate since he felt so much empathy for the victims of both sides.
“Asking the question, moreover, I find it inappropriate.”he defendedspecifying to the TMC host that he was not referring to him when he said that.

This issue of conflict is always very painful to raise for the host. In January 2024, a controversy had also taken place between Arthur, alias Jacques Essebag, and Rima Hassan, one of the figures of Palestinian youth since the beginning of the conflict, whom he had accused of anti-Semitism.


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