DayFR Euro

“It’s just crazy”

A few days ago, Pairi Daiza announced that the park was becoming smoke-free. Good news for everyone (or almost) and yet another step forward for the park, which has once again been crowned “Best Zoo in Europe”.

But not everything is perfect at Pairi Daiza. At least that is the opinion of Cécile and Stéphanie, two teachers, who wanted to share their disappointment after spending a day there, with our colleagues at RTL Info.

A few days ago, the two teachers accompanied a group of 48 students on an outing to Hao Hao and Xing Hui’s favorite park. And they could only note that there was no free drinking water available in the park. “We had to share four water bottles between forty-eight children, it’s just crazy,” Cécile complained to our colleagues.

If the children had brought their picnic and drinks, they quickly found themselves dry. And in fact, it was impossible to find a single water fountain. And since the tap water is not drinkable… “It’s unacceptable, especially when we accept school groups. We’re talking about a basic need,” added Stéphanie.

Bellewaerde and Plopsa are the most expensive parks: up to 4 euros for a bottle of water!

However, as RTL Info points out, amusement parks are subject to the same regulations as restaurants. They are in no way obliged to provide drinking water.

In other words, Belgian law does not require these structures to offer water for free. Especially since water has a cost: a cubic meter is worth €2.80 in Wallonia.


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