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“Agnès Vahramian is not someone who grinds”: Françoise Joly and Guilaine Chenu defend the new boss of Info, criticized for her management

Testimonials Puremedias. Agnès Vahramian has taken up her duties at the head of Info. The now former seasoned correspondent for France Télévisions abroad opened a new chapter in her turbulent career on Monday, September 16, 2024. Seven days earlier, on Monday, September 9, “L’informé” published a well-founded investigation in which around twenty journalists – who had worked alongside her at “20 Heures” on France 2 or in the offices she occupied abroad – expressed surprise at her appointment as head of France’s 3rd radio station. Described as “toxic”, “humiliating” even “threatening”according to the testimonies, she would have maintained in her various functions a “climate of terror” between 2014 and 2024.

“We have never had any feedback on any management issues”

A dark face a thousand miles from the one Françoise Joly and Guilaine Chenu know.We fell off the shelf reading this paper“, confide in unison the former incarnations of the magazine “Envoyé spécial” (2001-2016), to which Agnès Vahramian collaborated between 2007 and 2014.

During an exchange this Wednesday, September 11, 2024 with puremedias.comthe two former faces of France 2 news gave their take on the personality of Agnès Vahramian without “devalue the testimonies compiled by ‘L’informé’, especially if there has been suffering”. “What we hope for in speaking to you”, they specify“is to bear witness to a part of Agnès’ professional life, the seven years of our common professional life. We regret that these years are not mentioned in the article. We want to bear witness to this period, which is also part of Agnès’ life.

Let’s go back seventeen years. In 2007, Agnès Vahramian joined the team of the news magazine of La Deux, first as a senior reporter. Then, the journalist moved up the ranks: in 2010, she contributed to the creation of ‘Envoyé spécial, la suite’, a Saturday afternoon version of the magazine. The following year, she was appointed deputy editor-in-chief of the news program.

ALSO READ: “She crushes people”: Several journalists denounce the behavior of Agnès Vahramian, the new boss of France Info

Concretely“, rephrases Guilaine Chenu, “This means that she managed an editorial office with Françoise and me. She already had management functions at the time. We never had any feedback on any management problem. Never” she swears. “If there had been any alert that corresponded to what is described in the article, it would have been reported.“, agrees Françoise Joly. “This is not at all the person we met.“.

“His severity will help you become a better journalist.”

On-air personalities – a status different from the majority of shadow journalists who testify in the “L’informé” investigation – could Françoise Joly and Guilaine Chenu have missed these “alerts” ? “But as editor-in-chief, she worked with journalists. With very young ones as well as with experienced ones. We never had the slightest feedback,” opposes Françoise Joly. Before developing: “She managed to work with young journalists on extremely delicate subjects, to ensure that they gave the best of themselves, to help them grow and progress. With Guilaine, we were amazed by that.”

Another witness who worked in a more recent period alongside Agnès Vahramian abroad confirms the latter’s interest in sharing experience.She is a great professional who is passionate about her job, with great personal and professional generosity, who is keen to help juniors progress and give them their chance.e”, this Source testifies to “I understand that Agnes can be a divisive personality but she is whole. If she can be harsh at times, she will acknowledge it and apologize within the hour. (a description which matches certain testimonies published by “L’informé”, editor’s note). His severity will help you progress and make you a better journalist. He is not the sadistic monster that is described in the investigation.“.

“We don’t have not seen someone who crushed or destroyed“, continues Françoise Joly. These words, chosen by certain witnesses of the investigation of “L’informé”, resonated in the head of the one who is on the verge after five years of leaving the direction of the information of TV5 Monde for “strategic divergences”. “It’s as if we didn’t do the job in fact. It’s as if for seven years, we had been struck blind and we didn’t see who we were working with. That’s not possible! I can’t believe for a second that Agnès, because she is a woman in the field, is capable of putting the lives of others in danger.“, she refutes. “We have seen someone eminently professional in good times as well as in tragedies. We lost Gilles Jacquier in January 2012 in Syria, we welcomed Hervé Ghesquière, a former hostage in Afghanistan, after his release in June 2011. She was kind, in his place, in accompaniment, in support, in sharing. This is the Agnès that we know“.

“A rather disgusting portrait”

She had a very powerful creativity and empathy. She was a team leader, a bit of a leader, with a lot of willpower, determination, she took people with her.“, adds Guilaine Chenu.”If the ’20 Heures’ came looking for her in 2014, it was because she had undeniable management skills“adds Françoise Joly. The testimonies relate entirely to the period following her arrival at “20 Heures”, could Agnès Vahramian have changed?”Of course people evolve, change depending on the situation. I can’t talk about this period. This What I do know, however, is that the truth of Agnes can be read in all of Agnes’ faces and in all of her eras. It hurts us to see that only one aspect of her personality is being discussed.“, replies Guilaine Chenu.

One of those who knew her well at “Envoyé spécial”, where he shared the editor-in-chief with her, and at “20 Heures”, where she called him in 2014 to launch the column “L’oeil du 20 Heures”, Hugo Plagnard, said to born “not recognize“Agnes Vahramian”in the rather disgusting portrait painted of her by certain people“.

Agnès is someone who is very demanding and who never gives up.“, adds the journalist, who worked for “Complément d’enquête” and is now editor-in-chief of “20 Heures” on La Deux.”When you work with her, it’s a challenge, you have to put yourself at the level of someone who always pushes you further to get the best. As she herself admits sometimes, it can be a bit abrupt. But I don’t agree at all with the portrait that makes her out to be someone who harasses or has inappropriate behavior at work. I haven’t witnessed it“, he specifies. Before concluding on the subject of the one of which he is a fervent supporter: “We have perhaps forgotten how much she contributed to the editorial staff of France Télévisions in the broad sense, she took the ’20 Heures’ to a very high level editorially but also from an audience point of view.“.

“I am able to hear when someone tells me something is wrong”

Questioned by the online investigative journal, Agnès Vahramian had shared her “huge surprise” reading the criticisms of him.”I have never heard that in my 35-year career. Of course, I am someone who is demanding and determined, who has had to lead sometimes in complicated conditions. I am not saying that I have not had disagreements, arguments, clashes, but I am fair, I listen to people and I am able to hear when someone tells me that something is wrong.“, she defended herself. “I have never been called to order by my management or been informed of an internal investigation against me. I have progressed enormously at France Télévisions, which has offered me a fantastic career path. Today, I am delighted to continue my career at France Info.” she concluded.


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