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Blandine Bellavoir’s unvarnished confidences on motherhood

VIDEO INTERVIEW – On the set of “Buzz TV”, the actress who plays in Fortune of on France 2 reveals having suffered from postpartum depression after the birth of her son six years ago.

She is one of the faces of the event series Fortune of France. Blandine Bellavoir 40 years old, seen in Agatha Christie’s Little Murders and revealed in More beautiful lifeis part of the five-star cast of this fiction offered from this Monday evening on France 2, in prime time. In this story which takes place in the heart of a Périgord castle in the 16th centurye century, she plays Cathou, a chambermaid.She has the freshness, innocence and purity of a young girl even though she is 35 years old. She has never had children and she dares to have a love, a feeling that she had never expressed.“, confides the actress on the set of “Buzz TV”.

Unlike her character, Blandine Bellavoir is the mother of a 6-year-old boy who has just started first grade. One of the most difficult roles of her life.There are no perfect mothers, I do what I can, she explains before admitting that it took her time to fully blossom. “I unfortunately suffered from postpartum depression that lasted a long time, four years” she reveals. “It’s a subject that is rarely discussed, and yet the leading cause of death among mothers is suicide. As long as it is not treated, it can last a lifetime.“, adds the woman who is currently writing a book on the subject.

Also readPostpartum depression affects more than 16% of women

She looks back on her experience.This child was wanted, I was very happy in my private and professional life and suddenly, I felt like I had a small pebble in my shoe.she recalls. I was at the park with the other children and parents and I was putting on a facade of smiles. It’s called smiling depression. On paper, everything was fine, I had just had a baby. But in reality, these are just contradictory injunctions. There is no recipe for being happy, we are all different.” she continues. “When you become a parent, you also judge your childhood, your parents, the education you received… you ask yourself: “what do I keep?”, without necessarily putting your parents on trial of course, who are part of an era that is not ours.“, she emphasizes, while specifying that “it’s better today“. In conclusion, Blandine Bellavoir would like to send a message to all parents. “Don’t feel guilty! There are no perfect parents. Above all, you have to listen to your child and talk to them like a normal human being.“.

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