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“Brotherhood of masculinity: Emmanuel Macron displayed by a former minister for his support for Gérard Depardieu

Invited on On refait le monde, Roselyne Bachelot spoke out to denounce what she describes as a “brotherhood of masculinity”. The former minister did not mince her words in pointing the finger at several political and media figures whom she accuses of protecting men involved in legal cases or sexual assaults.

Prominent examples in the sights

Roselyne Bachelot did not hesitate to cite names to illustrate her point. She notably recalled the case of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of the Insoumis, who had publicly defended Adrien Quatennens, his former right-hand man. The latter had nevertheless been convicted of domestic violence.

But Jean-Luc Mélenchon is not the only political figure targeted by the former minister. She also attacked the Les Républicains group and more specifically Damien Abad, former Minister of Solidarity, accused of sexual assault. According to Bachelot, this tendency to protect men who are accused is far too widespread within the political class.

Emmanuel Macron and Gérard Depardieu

Roselyne Bachelot’s speech was not limited to politicians. She also discussed the actor’s situation

Gerard Depardieu
accused of rape and sexual assault. The former minister criticizes Emmanuel Macron for continuing to support the actor despite the seriousness of the accusations. She claims that this indulgence towards Depardieu is symptomatic of what she calls a “brotherhood of masculinity”, a solidarity between influential men who would protect their peers to the detriment of justice.

Roselyne Bachelot, who has previously taken a stand on sensitive issues, expressed some exasperation at what she sees as a general complacency. According to her, this “brotherhood of masculinity” only reinforces a culture of impunity for certain public figures.


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