Jérôme de Warzée tells us the secret of the show’s success
DayFR Euro

Jérôme de Warzée tells us the secret of the show’s success

The comedy show will begin its tenth season this Thursday, September 19, to the great delight of the entire team. Presenters, columnists and actors share with Ciné-Télé-Revue what makes the salt of this spicy cocktail that we love, in your magazine that comes out this Thursday, September 12.

Damien Gillard, Livia Dushkoff, David Jeanmotte, Isabelle Hauben, Martin Charlier, Kody, Adrien Devyver, Tamara Payne… all give us their impressions for this 10th birthday.

Jérôme de Warzée, who never thought he would be working on a tenth season when he launched the show in October 2015, told Ciné-Télé-Revue the secret of this success: “For a show to work well, three planets have to be aligned: excellent actors and therefore excellent performances, but also great writing behind it with a team of co-authors and that would be nothing without production resources.”


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