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“Should we really take Adele Haenel seriously?”


yesterday at 3:26 p.m.

Update yesterday at 4:36 p.m.

Adèle Haenel during the demonstration by the feminist collective #NousToutes against sexist and sexual violence in , November 19, 2022. Abaca

FIGAROVOX/MAINTENANCE – While Adèle Haenel has just announced, in a letter to Teleramathe end of her career by invoking a “generalized complacency of the cinema community vis-à-vis sexual aggressors”, the philosopher believes that the actress confuses notoriety and political legitimacy.

Sabine Prokhoris is a philosopher and psychoanalyst. She is the author of The Mirage #MeToo(published by Cherche midi, October 2021).

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FIGAROVOX. – In a letter to Telerama, the former actress Adèle Haenel, known for her political commitments, explains the end of her acting career: “I decided to politicize my stoppage of the cinema to denounce the general complacency of the profession vis-à-vis sexual aggressors and, more generally, the way in which this medium collaborates with the racist ecocidal deadly order of the world as it is. Is it a political event?

Sabine PROKHORIS. – A political event? Be serious. Or if it is, there is cause for concern, because that would mean that one is ready to drink the words of any paranoid guru as long as it is for “the good cause”. Let’s hope that we are not collectively there yet… These ramblings of Adèle Haenel, which today make so much media noise, do not date from yesterday…

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